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10-5-21 MTAB Item 10.3 and 10.4 Contract Amendments - Parking Garage Extensions
10-5-21 MTAB Item 10.5 Contract Award - L Taraval Improvement Project - NTK Construction
10-5-21 MTAB Item 10.6 Contract Award - Woods Bus Wash Replacement - Air and Lube Systems
10-5-21 MTAB Item 10.7 TJPA Alternate Appointment - Gwyneth Borden
Holiday Service Adjustments Dec. 19-30, 2016
Attention Express/Shuttle Customers The following express and shuttle routes will be suspended during the holiday season: Routes Dec 27 - 30, 2015 1AX California 'A' Express No Express Service All...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: October 8 to October 22, 2021
Photo: Newly installed decorative panels at Buchanan and Geary Boulevard. Construction work on the Geary Rapid Project , in coordination with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and San...
Geary Rapid Project Construction Forecast: October 15 to October 29, 2021
Photo: Aerial view of Geary Boulevard from Buchanan Street looking westwards. Construction work on the Geary Rapid Project , in coordination with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and San...
Alamo Square construction, April 7-8, 2016
From 7 a.m to 4 p.m. daily, the outbound stop will be closed. Please use the bus stop at Hayes and Stiener instead. The inbound stop will be moved 60 feet east.
76X Marin Headland Express weekend afternoon service now every 90 minutes
The 76X used to be scheduled to run once an hour each Saturday and Sunday. Because of traffic, we were not able to keep to schedule. The 76X now runs every 90 minutes in the afternoon. The morning...
Lake Slow Street Online Open House - Virtual Meeting #1
Please join us for a presentation on the proposals for the future of Lake Slow Street. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback during the question and commenting...
Lake Slow Street Online Open House - Virtual Meeting #2
Please join us for a presentation on the proposals for the future of Lake Slow Street. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback during the question and commenting...
Lake Slow Street Online Open House - Virtual Meeting #3
Please join us for a presentation on the proposals for the future of Lake Slow Street. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback during the question and commenting...
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (MB TIF AC) Special Meeting, December 16, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 health emergency and to protect our Committee Members, SFMTA staff, and members of the public, the SFMTA meeting rooms at One South Van Ness Avenue are closed. Members of the...
Mission Bay Tranportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee (MB TIF AC) Special Meeting December 16, 2021
Fulton Street Sees Transit and Safety Improvements
A temporary transit bulb was recently installed at 8th Avenue and Fulton, reducing travel time for the 5 Fulton and 5R Fulton Rapid and making boarding safer. For those who ride the 5 Fulton or 5R...