Meet the People of the Next Generation CIS: Simon Hochberg

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

This blog series profiles a few of the people building SFMTA’s the Next Generation Customer Information System (CIS) – a major overhaul of Muni’s prediction system. In previous blogs we met Jason Lee  and Leon Yu.

Each staff in this series are part of a large project team contributing their individual expertise to improve transportation for the community. The SFMTA is proud of their work and accomplishments as they advance our Next Generation CIS.

Headshot of SFMTA staff Simon Hochberg

Simon Hochberg, Transit Planner 

What do you do on the project?

I work on the transit tech group. My team is responsible for the technology that is used in the Transit Division, making sure it meets the Division’s needs and making sure staff know how to use it.

How do you feel your work impacts our customers?

All transit riders in San Francisco will benefit from more accurate Muni information and a better Muni experience, including riders transferring from other services. The CIS project will also help SFMTA staff ensure that our customer information meets our goals of accuracy, reliability and high-quality trip planning to make Muni an excellent travel choice.

What was your favorite part of the project?

My work on this project has allowed me to interact with a lot of people within the agency. The project is really centered towards making transit easier and more enjoyable to use. Working with so many colleagues toward such a positive goal is great. Staff feel a lot of excitement and anticipation around the Next Generation CIS and look forward to cutting each virtual ribbon along the way as we deliver on the promise of this work.

What do you like most about working at the SFMTA?

Plenty. Making transit better for riders makes the job worthwhile. One of the coolest things about my job and my role is getting to work across groups like Information Technology (IT) and Communications. I get to be part of both teams and help bridge connections.

To learn more about this challenging and important project visit the project home page (