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Page Street Pilot: Implementation Beginning
Starting late February, new safety improvements are coming to Page Street between Webster and Octavia streets using temporary materials such as paint, posts, and signs. During construction, look out...
2020 Page Street Pilot: Implementation Notices
Sunday Streets Tenderloin: April 10, 2022
Sunday Streets transforms city streets into car-free spaces for community health and connection. Streets will be closed for the event and Muni will reroute buses around the event area. Read below for...
SFMTA Weekend Transit and Traffic Advisory For Saturday, February 15, 2020
H. Welton Flynn: A Pioneer in Public Service
This February for Black History Month we're highlighting one of San Francisco's most important figures in transportation, H. Welton Flynn. Flynn is best known for his key leadership at the SF Public...
2-18-20 MTAB Item 10.5 Development Agreement - Potrero Power Station
2-18-20 MTAB Item 11 Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan
2-18-20 MTAB Item 13 Curb Management Strategy
2-18-20 MTAB Item 14 Muni Forward Quick Build
Van Ness Avenue Construction Forecast: January 13, 2020 - January 24, 2020
Those traveling on the corridor are advised to stay alert and allow more travel time during construction. Polk Street, one block east of Van Ness Avenue, is a recommended alternative for people...
The Time for Justice
Travel & Transit Updates: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Muni Saturday Schedule Holiday Street Parking Enforcement Schedule MLK2020 March and Celebration Travel and Transit Update During the week of...
Proposed Changes for the Townsend & Third Intersection
In order to reduce Muni delay for buses turning left onto 3rd Street from Townsend, the 3rd Street Transit and Safety Project proposes adding a bus-only left-turn lane on Townsend Street eastbound at...