Taxi Driver - Ruach Graffis

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Taxi Industry

Dear Taxi Industry, 

Ruach Graffis, a long time taxi driver, taxi driver trainer, SF Taxi Worker’s Alliance and Paratransit Coordinating Council member, passed away on May 21.

Over the course of her decades long career in the taxi industry, Ruach was a fierce advocate for the dignity of drivers and passengers with disabilities, with personal understanding of both perspectives. She trained countless taxi drivers on the intricacies of SF geography, the importance of customer service and her passion for her work was palpable and transferred to her students. Please see Kelly Dessaint’s tribute to Ruach in his Examiner column:

At the June 1st SFMTA Board meeting, Chair Borden adjourned the meeting in honor of Ruach. Below is the link to the meeting and Chairwoman Borden’s comments begin at agenda item 5: Communications at the 2:46 minute mark.

Ruach had a sharp wit and deep wisdom; she always had a smile and a greeting for everyone with a sparkle in her eye. She has left her imprint on the San Francisco taxi industry.