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Muni Feedback

In life-threatening situations, call 911 immediately. *Serious incidents and criminal activity should be reported to SFPD if comfortable doing so. 在危及生命的情況下,請立即撥打 911. 如果願意,應向三藩市警方報告嚴重事件和犯罪活動. En...

Project update

NBA All-Star 2025 Weekend Reroutes: February 14-16


Note: Some of the Muni Service Changes may go into effect early between Feb. 11 and 13. Event Summary Starting Friday, February 14, through Sunday, February 16, 2025, San Francisco will be hosting NBA...


5th Street Improvement Project

Project Introduction

The 5th Street Improvement Project improves safety along the corridor for those who walk, bike, and drive in the neighborhood. The 5th Street Project is separated into two phases of work- the 5th...


Standard Deviant Brewing

280 14th St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Official partner of the Hop On Muni Beer Crawl during San Francisco Beer Week.


Color Curb Hearings

Public hearings are held once a month online to legislate the installation of new Color Curb zones or make changes to existing ones. The zones usually recommended for this process are disabled parking...


Color Curb Public Hearing, February 28, 2025


Pursuant to SFMTA Order No. 6850 adopted February 12, 2025, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing to solicit public input on the following proposed changes. The...


Sutter Street Quick-Build Project

Project Introduction

The Sutter Street Quick-Build Project is committed to delivering transportation safety and comfort on the project corridor from Market Street to Polk Street for all users, as well as improve transit...

Project update

Early 2025 Update

Winter Greetings! This update is to inform you about the status of the Sutter Street Quick-Build Project. After careful consideration and thorough evaluation, the SFMTA has decided to pause the...


Hyde Street Quick-Build

Project Introduction

Every street in the Tenderloin is part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network (HIN), the 12% of city streets that account for more than 68% of severe and fatal injuries. Over the past...


Board of Directors

The SFMTA Board of Directors provides policy oversight for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in San Francisco in accordance with the San Francisco Charter and the Transit-First...