Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project
The project aimed to improve the safety and reliability of the N Judah Line by replacing track and other infrastructure inside the Sunset Tunnel. Other improvements included Transit Signal Priority...
The project aimed to improve the safety and reliability of the N Judah Line by replacing track and other infrastructure inside the Sunset Tunnel. Other improvements included Transit Signal Priority...
The 5 Fulton transports locals and tourists on Fulton, McAllister and Market streets from the Financial District to the Great Highway and back, stopping at many important cultural destinations and...
Several City agencies, with the help of the Inner Sunset and Cole Valley communities developed new designs to the streetscape to enhance walkability of neighborhoods along the N Judah from Cole Valley...
This demonstration project will allow the SFMTA to hear from the public and determine how this tool can be best applied here in the city. This project is also a key component of the SFMTA’s commitment...
The Turk Street Safety Project began in Spring 2016. SFMTA identified Turk Street for improvement, between Market Street and Gough Street, based on its inclusion on the Vision Zero High Injury Network...
Get construction updates here! The Masonic Avenue Streetscape Project is an effort to improve safety for people walking, biking, taking transit and driving on Masonic Avenue between Geary Boulevard...
Sloat & Skyline Intersection Alternatives Analysis (2017) was a planning-level project to evaluate design options to improve traffic safety and operations where Sloat Boulevard, Skyline Boulevard (CA...
Introduction The Commuter Shuttle Program regulates employer-provided shuttles in San Francisco, charging a fee and requiring shuttle operators to adhere to a set of rules and regulations in order to...
Latest Updates - This Proposal's Fast-Tracked Segment - in Coordination with Repaving Project What's included in the 9 San Bruno Travel Rapid Proposal? To reduce travel times and enhance reliability...
Circle less, live more SFMTA established SF park to use new technologies and policies to improve parking in San Francisco. Reducing traffic by helping drivers find parking benefits everyone. More...
The Treasure Island and Yerba Buena project is an ambitious development program: with approximately 8-10k housing units under development and a robust 27% affordability, this project is a cornerstone...
Why it makes sense for San Francisco Integrating transportation and land use planning is essential to meet the ever growing needs of a vibrant city like San Francisco. Research has proven that...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY San Francisco’s Eastern Neighborhoods are made up of the diverse communities of the Mission District, South of Market, Central Waterfront, Showplace Square, and Potrero Hill. These...
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a layer of policies, programs, information, services, and tools that work with the transportation infrastructure and operations to support the use of...
The Central Embarcadero Safety Project is the latest phase of the Embarcadero Enhancement Program. This program seeks to improve safety, mobility, connectivity, and accessibility for all users of The...
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The SFMTA led the development of the Project’s Transportation Plan, which prioritizes walking, bicycling, and transit travel, links the new neighborhood with the existing adjacent...
The Parkmerced project proposes to add some 5,600 new residential units to the 152-acre site’s existing 3,221 housing units. It will also provide new commercial and retail services, and open space...
Construction Update - Left Turn Restrictions Coming Soon In summer 2023, the Upper Market Safety Project was substantially completed. As part of the SFMTA's commitment to evaluate how improvements...
As part of Muni Forward, SFMTA has identified the 5 Fulton corridor as being a part of its proposed Rapid Network. In most cities, a Rapid Network is bus service with dedicated lanes and vehicles that...
Better Market Street is an ongoing, collaborative effort to redesign San Francisco’s most important street. Market Street can become a place where people can gather, spend time and enjoy the sights of...
The Western Addition Community Based Transportation Plan (WACBTP) evolved from the Bay Area-wide Community Based Transportation Planning Program, born from the Lifeline Transportation Network Report...
Project overview The Waterfront Transportation Assessment (WTA) was a San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) led transportation and land use planning effort that began in late 2012...
The Salesforce Transit Center project is a major new regional transit hub just south of Mission Street between Second and Beale streets in downtown San Francisco. Phase One of the project connects the...
Construction is now complete! We would like to thank the community for their patience while we worked to complete this green corridor. Join us Saturday, May 5, 2018 at 10 am for the Wiggle...
The San Bruno Multimodal Improvement Project was developed at the Portola community’s request and in support of Muni Forward and Vision Zero . More than 50,000 daily riders rely on the lines serving...