Parking Meters
Overview Parking Meter Locations and Rates Parking Rules: What You Need to Know Broken Meters Residential Parking Permits at the Meter Ways to Pay Further Information Overview Parking meters are used...
Overview Parking Meter Locations and Rates Parking Rules: What You Need to Know Broken Meters Residential Parking Permits at the Meter Ways to Pay Further Information Overview Parking meters are used...
How To Contest a Vehicle Tow Ordered by SFMTA Enforcement You may dispute the validity of the tow by scheduling a hearing within 30 days of the date of the tow. The date selected for a hearing does...
How To Contest a Vehicle Tow Ordered by SFMTA Enforcement You may dispute the validity of the tow by scheduling a hearing within 30 days of the date of the tow. The date selected for a hearing does...
Goals & Responsibilities The Finance and Information Technology (FIT) Division provides strategic advice and information to support organizational decision-making and improved financial management...
San Francisco’s Bayview and Silver Terrace neighborhoods will be the first communities to experience SFMTA’s first Mobile Sales Van. Just launched yesterday, this van will bring SFMTA services to...
Today's SFMTA Board of Directors meeting covered a lot of ground and included the approval of a new five-year contract for vehicle towing. The new contract reduces tow fees by five percent and expands...
New applications for the RTC Discount ID card are being accepted at the SFMTA Customer Service office at 11 South Van Ness during the following times: Monday - Friday from 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Please...
SFMTA’s Payment Plan provides customers the option to enroll parking and transit citations in a monthly payment plan. Customers who enroll must make minimum monthly payments based on the total amount...
Financial Services reports to the Parking & Curb Management Unit of the Streets Division Our responsibilities Oversight of Non-Revenue Vehicle Fleet Program, including Healthy Air and Clean...
The SFMTA is a customer-focused agency. Anyone who lives, visits or works in San Francisco is a customer of the SFMTA, and we work hard to serve our customers. We provide numerous ways to reach us and...
Disabled Placards With a properly displayed disabled placard or disabled license plate (including one issued by a different state or country) you may park in any of the following zones, so long as the...
The Customer Service Center is open for limited services, including: Residential Parking Permit Sales In Person Hearings Community Service Enrollment Payment Plan Enrollment Lifeline Program...
Video Transcript Circle less, live more SFMTA established SF park to use new technologies and policies to improve parking in San Francisco. Reducing traffic by...
A single ride fare on Muni is good for 120 minutes of travel, whether it be on a single route or a trip with multiple transfers across buses and light rail. You can save up to $0.50 per trip by paying...
With Muni, you're just a ride away from everywhere in San Francisco. Every day, people board Muni more than 520,000 times to get where they need to go. Follow these easy steps to reach your...
SFpark Evaluation Presentation 6.19.14.pdf The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), which oversees the Municipal Railway (Muni) and all surface transportation in the city, today...
Driveway Red Zones provide additional clearance for vehicles accessing off-street parking. They are installed next to active residential driveways. They are typically two feet long and installed on...
The SFMTA’s Automated Enforcement Program uses a network of automated cameras to enforce illegal red-light running and illegal right turns. The SFMTA also uses forward-facing cameras on buses to...
Effective April 1, 2022 the SFMTA will transition annual Residential Parking Permit (RPP) permits from physical stickers to virtual permits. This will streamline the RPP application and administration...
Regulations for Working in San Francisco Streets Regulations For Working In San Francisco Streets, also known as the “ Blue Book,” is a manual for City agencies (DPW, Muni, SFWD, DPT, Port of SF, etc...
Between September and October of 2018, residents and merchants in the Dogpatch will see new parking signs and up to 50 multi-space parking meters installed on nearby streets. The SFMTA will be...
We’ve officially installed our new, smarter fareboxes aboard all Muni buses. We are seeing continuously improving performance while the vehicles are in service and will now move to the rail fleet to...
General Loading Zones General loading zones provide short-term access to the curb for people to pick up or drop off goods in their personal vehicles. They generally operate during business hours and...
A single ride fare on Muni is good for 120 minutes of travel, whether it be on a single route or a trip with multiple transfers across buses and light rail. You can save $0.25 per trip by paying with...
At the SFMTA, we are excited to expand the range of sustainable transportation options in San Francisco, including scooters, which provide a convenient, on-demand travel option for shorter trips and...