Community History Preservation Project: OMI

OMI Residents: Share your Stories with Us!

Tell us about the role transportation played in your life and in your community!

If you have lived in OMI for more than 25 years, were there before the year 2000, or have family roots in the neighborhood, we welcome you to participate in SFMTA’s first oral history preservation project and share your stories!  We are looking to learn more about your experiences in the neighborhood, how you traveled, where you needed to go, and the impact transportation had on you!  

To schedule an interview, or for more information please contact us!

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

The Community History Preservation Project: OMI is an independent engagement project that aims to preserve the transportation related history and lived experiences of residents in historically underserved neighborhoods through a series of recorded interviews and community discussions. Through a three-phase engagement process, the project team will record, process, and present qualitative findings, producing a number of deliverables, including a website, written summary, community profiles, audio content, and a high-quality video edit. This project will focus on experiences from 1945 – 1975 in the OMI community, an ethnically diverse, working-class neighborhood that was bounded by high volume roadways and has historically not received significant transportation investment.

Project Timeline
January - March
Phase 1 - Initial Outreach
March - May
Phase 2 - Interviews
May - August
Phase 3 - Presentation
Статус проекта (Project Status)
  1. Planning
Текущая фаза или этап (Current Phase or Stage)
Phase 1- Initial Outreach
Прогнозируемое завершение (Predicted Completion)
Контактная информация (Contact Information)
OMI Oral History