In the summer of 2023, the Franklin Street Quick-Build team shared evaluation results from the implementation of intersection improvements on Franklin Street between Broadway and Lombard including left and right turn traffic calming treatments, painted safety zones, and ‘No Right Turn on Red’ restrictions.
Evaluation results showed some signs of progress: the number of close calls between people driving and walking was reduced, the speed of turning vehicles remained low, and compliance with the new right-turn-on-red restrictions was very high. While the project improved intersection safety, mid-block speeds along Franklin Street remained constant at 27 miles per hour, above the posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour.
In response, in late spring of 2024, the project team implemented signal-timing adjustments on Franklin Street between Broadway and Lombard to lower mid-block speeds.
Signal-timing Adjustment Results and Next Steps
Data collected in July 2024 at three locations along the corridor indicates that typical 85th percentile speeds have decreased to 25 miles per hour.
We will continue to monitor speeds on Franklin Street at Union Street before and after implementing the automated speed enforcement camera on Franklin Street near Union Street as part of the SFMTA's new Speed Safety Camera Program. Speed safety cameras are a proven tool to address speeding and reduce severe and fatal injury traffic collisions. The speed safety cameras are anticipated to be installed and operational in 2025.
For more information on the Franklin Street Quick-Build Project, please visit our project website or contact our project team at