Accessibility Strategy

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The Accessibility Survey, which built on the Needs Assessment opened in September 2024. The survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the survey. We received over 1,300 responses! Your feedback will help us to develop actions that address the challenges and opportunities identified in the survey. Additional project updates will be shared here.

Email us at to ask us a question, provide feedback, or let us know that you are interested in project updates.

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

The Accessibility Strategy is the agency’s initiative to assess how well we meet the diverse transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities. The Strategy will guide staff across the SFMTA to better ensure the accessibility of our programs, policies, and services. Accessibility is a priority metric in the SFMTA Strategic Plan, as everyone deserves to have full access to all of the opportunities around the city, especially those who have the fewest transportation choices. The Accessibility Strategy is being developed primarily by the Accessible Services group

Project Timeline
Spring 2023 - Summer 2024
Phase One: Needs Assessment
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
Phase Two: Goals and Actions
Summer 2025 - Ongoing
Phase Three: Implementation and Performance Measurement
Статус проекта (Project Status)
  1. Planning
Текущая фаза или этап (Current Phase or Stage)
Phase Two: Goals and Actions
Project Success
On budget
On schedule
Детали проекта, история и характерные особенности (Project Details, History or Features)

The work of the Accessibility Strategy is being conducted in three phases: 

  1. Needs Assessment: We are investigating successes and challenges to ensuring accessibility throughout the transportation system. 
  2. Goals and Actions: We will work with stakeholders to prioritize our needs and develop actions that address challenges and opportunities identified in the Needs Assessment.   
  3. Implementation and Performance Measurement: We will measure progress made on our actions and adjust actions to meet our goals. We will also communicate accomplishments and challenges to the public. 

Completed Phase: Needs Assessment 

Phase One, the Needs Assessment, is the SFMTA's first document to summarize our historical and current efforts towards accessible transportation for people with disabilities and older adults. The Needs Assessment describes the accessible services provided by the SFMTA and the communities that we serve. Based on previous feedback from the community and SFMTA staff, as well as rider surveys and performance data, the Needs Assessment identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to ensuring accessibility. This report was published on September 17, 2024.  

Read the Needs Assessment Report

Current Phase: Goals and Actions

The Accessibility Survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the survey. We received over 1,300 responses! Your feedback will help us to develop actions that address the challenges and opportunities identified in the survey. Additional project updates will be shared here.

Fall-Winter 2024 Events:

  • Fiesta de las Américas on Saturday, September 21, 2024
  • Downtown First Thursdays on Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • Fillmore Farmers' Market on Saturday, November 16, 2024
  • Alemany Farmers' Market on Saturday, November 23, 2024

There will also be additional opportunities to be a part of the development of the Accessibility Strategy as we continue our work. Please sign up to receive email or SMS alerts on project updates or contact the project team with any questions.

Контактная информация (Contact Information)
Accessible Services Team