Transport Workers' Union (TWU), Local 200, 2022 MOU Update Summaries

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Executive Summary

SFMTA Bargaining 2022 - Executive Summary of Tentative Agreements
Transport Workers' Union (TWU), Local 200




July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024


First Year: 
5.25%, effective July 1, 2022 
Second Year:
2.5%, effective July 1, 2023, except if the March 2023 Joint Report prepared by the Controller, the Mayor’s Budget Director, and the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst projects a budget deficit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 that exceeds $300 million, then the base wage adjustment will be delayed, to be effective January 6, 2024.
2.25%, effective January 1, 2024, except if the March 2023 Joint Report projects a budget deficit for FY2024 that exceeds $300 million, then the base wage adjustment will be delayed, to be effective close of business June 30, 2024.

Transportation Controllers/Trainees Break 

Updates provision for Transportation Controllers/ Trainees breaks when working 12-hour shifts.

Clean-up: Transportation Management Center (TMC) Premium 

Updates language regarding 2.5% TMC premium.

Supervisor Recognition Program 

Adds employee recognition program that awards the following allowances:

9136 Training Specialist of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
9139 Inspector of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
9139 Dispatcher of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
9139 TMC Supervisor of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
9139 Scheduler of the Year - $750 per year
9153 Controller of the Quarter - $1,000 per quarter
9160 Field Manager of the Year - $1,500 per year
9160 Specialist of the Year - $1,500 per year

Expert Employee Premium 

Adds Expert Employee Premium for 9136 Training Specialist, 9139 Transit Supervisor, 9153 Transportation Controller, and 9160 Transit Operations Specialist classifications, including three (3) Tiers with awards of 2%, 4%, and 6%, for meeting increasing performance-based eligibility requirements.

Commitment to meet and confer over inclusion of performance appraisal ratings in the requirements for the premium, at which point the amounts will increase to 3%, 5% and 7.5%.

Provides for additional premium of 0.5% for 9139 Transit Supervisors at Tier 1 who have not voluntarily transferred out of their assignment for three years.

Provides for additional premium of 1% for 9139 Transit Supervisors at Tier 2 who have not voluntarily transferred out of their assignment for six years.

Provides for additional premium of 1.5% for 9139 Transit Supervisors at Tier 3 who have not voluntarily transferred out of their assignment for nine years.

Overtime Earned 

Requires that all requests for overtime earned time off be approved by the group or Department Manager.


Recognizes Juneteenth (June 19); changes Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Italian-American Heritage Day.

Tuition Reimbursement

Increases total allocated amount from $6,000 to $7,500 per year. Prohibits carry-over of unused funds to the next fiscal year. Increases individual employee utilization from $500 to $750, with ability to supplement with department training funds. Eliminates repayment requirement.

Clean-up: Recognition

Updates list of represented classifications.  

Grievance Handling 

Allows Local 200 Executive Board Member to represent employees in grievance process instead of just shop steward.

Election of Remedies

Removes requirement to elect either grievance or EEO process for discrimination complaints.


Provides for certain training to be available during evening hours, and for minimum notice of training outside an employee’s regular work hours.

Voluntary Transfer Process (VTP) (Classification 9139 and 9136) 

Creates separate VTP for 9136 Transit Training Specialist classification and lowers turnover limit between work units from 30% to 15%.  Requires meet and confer if new department or work units are created.

On leave and Scheduled for VTP 

Updates requirements regarding the ability to take part in VTP and SFMTA’s notice obligations for employees on leave. 

Changing Assignments 

Adds greater flexibility allowing employees the right to request a withdrawal from selected VTP within three  months after effective VTP date.

Posting Daily Detail 

Adds obligations to SFMTA regarding posting of Daily Details. 

Scheduled Time – Off Sign Ups 

Updates return to work requirements for employees to be eligible to participate in scheduled time off sign up. 

Probationary Period 

Extends probationary period to one year after successful completion of training.  Total probationary period limits based on 9153/non 9153 classification.

Clean-up: Wages  

Deletes past one-time wage adjustment provision.

Clean-up: Compensation For Various Work Schedules 

Deletes language regarding proportionate calculation of work hours. 

Safety, Training, and Scheduling Division Premium 

Deletes Safety and Training Division and Scheduling Division Premium Pay.  

Emergency Transit Manager I Assignments 

Deletes provision that allowed for 9139 to be assigned 9140 Emergency Transit Manager I shifts in emergencies.  

Clean-up: Corner Books

Deletes language no longer in use regarding Corner Books.  

Floating Holidays 

Changes floating holidays calculation to hours instead of days, and allows for employees to carry over unused floating holidays into next fiscal year. 

Bereavement Leave

Updates language to mirror list defined in Civil Service Commission Rules. 

Clean-up: Coverall 

Deletes provision requiring MTA to provide coveralls.

Clean-up: Uniform 

Deletes outdated language regarding “appropriate female uniforms”. 

Clean-up: Appendix B: Past Practices Language 

Deletes duplicate language regarding Transportation Controllers and Trainees breaks during 12-hour shifts, and deletes “Transportation Controllers and Trainees rotate their consoles on a weekly basis.” 

Costing Analysis

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Budget Office
Local 200 - Budget Impact Analysis
Bargaining 2022
Tentative Agreement (Total Cumulative Cost; SFMTA Only)
Last Updated on 04/22/22

Local 200 - Additional Cost (Savings)

Subject Proposed Change FY 2023 FY 2024
Wages (Base) Following the city's wage increase pattern, represented employees will receive base wage increases based on the following schedule:

Year 1
July 1, 2022 - 5.25%
Year 2
July 1, 2023 - 2.5%
January 6, 2024 - 2.25%

If the citywide budget deficit projection exceeds $300M in Year 2, each affected base wage increase will be delayed 6 months.
$2,994,077 $5,186,833
Specialist Premium
Effective the first pay cycle in July 2022, employees in the 9136 Training Specialist, 9139 Transit Supervisor, 9153 Transportation Controller, and 9160 Transit Operations Specialist classifications who meet the criteria below shall be paid an Expert Premium as follows:
1) Tier 1: Employees will be paid a  Premium of two percent (2%) of the hourly rate of pay per hour for all pay periods in which they meet all of the following conditions: 
a. Worked at least 1776 regular hours in the previous twelve (12) months);  
b. No AWOL occurrences in the previous twelve (12) month period; 
c. Served no disciplinary suspensions in the previous twelve (12) month period;
d. Employees in classification 9139 who have not voluntarily transferred out of a VTP assignment in the previous three(3) years and who meet all the rest of the qualifications for this premium will receive an additional zero point five percent (0.5%).

2) Tier 2:  Employees will be paid a Tier 2 Premium of four percent (4%) of the hourly rate of pay per hour for all pay periods in which they meet all of the following conditions: 
a. All requirements of Tier 1;
b. No more than one hundred four (104) hours of unscheduled absences (excluding bereavement leave and jury duty) in the previous twelve (12) month period;
c. No substantiated violations of safety rules  in the previous twelve (12) month period;
d. Employees in classification 9139 who have not voluntarily transferred out of a VTP assignment in the previous six (6) years and who meet all the rest of the qualifications for this premium will receive an additional one percent (1%).

3) Tier 3: Employees will be paid a Tier 3 Premium of six percent (6%) of the hourly rate of pay per hour for all pay periods in which they meet all of the following conditions:
a. All requirements of Tiers 1 and 2;
b. No fit for duty infractions as defined in sections 2.6 and 2.28 of the SFMTA Rules and Instructions Handbook, as may be amended from time to time, in the previous twelve (12) month period;
c. Employees in classification 9139 who have not voluntarily transferred out of a VTP assignment in the previous nine (9) years and who meet all the rest of the qualifications for this premium will receive an additional one point five percent (1.5%).
No later than September 1, 2022, the parties will begin meeting and conferring over the eligibility of additional classifications and inclusion of Performance Appraisal Ratings in the criteria for the Expert Premium. Upon successful completion of negotiations over inclusion of Performance Appraisal Ratings and implementation of new criteria, the rate for each premium tier will be as follows: 

Tier 1: Three percent (3%)
Tier 2: Five percent (5%)
Tier 3: Seven and a half percent (7.5%)
$455,652 $472,096
Recognition Program The SFMTA shall provide Local 200 Employee Recognition Allowances as follows:

-9136 Training Specialist of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
-9139 Inspector of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
-9139 Dispatcher of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
-9139 TMC Supervisor of the Quarter - $750 per quarter
-9139 Scheduler of the Year - $750 per year
-9153 Controller of the Quarter - $1,000 per quarter
-9160 Field Manager of the Year - $1,500 per year
-9160 Specialist of the Year - $1,500 per year
$25,555 $25,555
Total ($) Total dollars of above changes $3,475,285 $5,684,484
Total (%) Total percent of above changes 6.09% 9.97%

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