Proposition A: Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond

On June 17, 2022 the San Francisco Department of Elections posted the final results of the June 7, 2022 election. Proposition A, the Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond, received 65.11%, well over 50%, but short of the 66.67% share of the vote that’s required for passage. Although an overwhelming majority of voters supported investing in our transportation system, getting to the two-thirds threshold for a bond measure is never easy—more so when San Francisco is still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and people are struggling with the impacts of inflation. 

The loss of Proposition A will have a cascading impact on San Francisco’s transportation projects. Every step toward getting the city’s transportation capital projects done is going to be harder than it would have been if the bond measure had passed. The SFMTA is going to do everything possible to find alternative sources for these funds. We know that improving Muni and making streets safer remain priorities for our community—and we’re committed to working to make that a reality. 

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

On March 1, 2022, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to place the Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond on the June 7, 2022 ballot. 

Proposition A is a bond measure that would authorize the City to borrow up to $400 million by issuing general obligation bonds. This bond money could be spent on City transportation infrastructure projects, including: 

$250 million on the repair and renovation of SFMTA bus yards, facilities and equipment
$26 million  on traffic improvements, such as new traffic signals, wider sidewalks at bus stops, and dedicated traffic lanes
$10 million on improvements to the Muni train system, including the train communication and control systems
$42 million on traffic signal and street crossing improvements, such as more visible traffic and pedestrian signals, curb ramps, and signs
$42 million on street redesigns that include wider sidewalks, raised crosswalks, protected bicycle lanes, bus lanes, boarding islands and better lighting
$30 million on projects to manage traffic speeds, including lowered speed limits and speed radar signs

Under this proposal, bond funds can be used only for projects that have a project labor agreement. A project labor agreement is an agreement between the City and labor unions that sets the terms and conditions of employment, including compensation and benefits, for work on specific City projects. 

Proposition A would also set aside funds for the Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee’s review of how this bond money was spent. 

City policy is to limit the amount of money it borrows by issuing new bonds only as prior bonds are paid off. If necessary, Proposition A would allow an increase in the property tax to repay the bonds. Proposition A allows landlords to pass through up to 50% of any resulting property tax increase to tenants. 

For more information about the Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond, read the full bond report

Image of cover of the 2022 Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond Report, Improved Safety, Reliability, Access and Equity for San Francisco

The Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond legislation is available online. View the bond ordinance and bond resolution.

Prop A Ballot Question

MUNI RELIABILITY AND STREET SAFETY BOND. To increase Muni’s reliability, safety and frequency, reduce delays, improve disabled access and equity, increase subway capacity and improve pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety by repairing, constructing and improving deteriorating Muni bus yards, facilities, transportation infrastructure and equipment, and constructing and redesigning streets and sidewalks, and to pay related costs; shall the City and County of San Francisco issue $400,000,000 in general obligation bonds, with a duration of up to 30 years from the time of issuance, an estimated average tax rate of $0.010/$100 of assessed property value, and projected average annual revenues of approximately $30,000,000, subject to citizen oversight and independent audits? The City’s current debt management policy is to keep the property tax rate for City general obligation bonds at or below the 2006 rate by issuing new bonds as older ones are retired and/or the tax base grows, though this property tax rate may vary based on other factors.

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