The beginnings of a new signalized crosswalk at Buchanan Street, which will provide safer access to the Japan Center malls. New pedestrian countdown signals help people crossing Laguna at Geary. A new crosswalk with improved medians is being built at Webster to supplement the pedestrian bridge.A new surface-level crosswalk with improved medians is underway at Steiner Street where the pedestrian bridge had been.Improved median refuges at Geary and Steiner will allow people to cross one section of the street at a time if needed. A worker installs decorative pavers at a new median refuge at Geary and Steiner.Improved crossings at Geary and Cook Street, including new traffic signals, striping and median refuges, creates a safer environment for people walking.Improved crossings at Geary and Cook Street, including new traffic signals, striping and median refuges, creates a safer environment for people walking.The new traffic signals at Commonwealth/Beaumont, added to the Geary Rapid Project at the request of local residents, are almost ready to be activated.New traffic signals at Commonwealth/Beaumont will help improve safety for people crossing Geary.
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