Slow Streets - Bayview

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)
Slow Streets Phase 4 Update (05/12/2021): After additional review, the SFMTA will not be implementing the proposed Slow Streets in the Bayview. Instead, we will refocus on traffic calming treatments to better address the needs identified in our outreach.

The goal of the SFMTA’s Slow Streets program is to provide more space for socially distant essential travel and exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the city, nearly thirty corridors have been implemented as a Slow Street. For more information on the Slow Streets program, click here

The program is designed to limit through traffic on certain residential streets and allow them to be used as a shared space for people traveling by foot, scooters, skateboards, and bicycles. On these Slow Streets, signage and barricades have been placed to minimize through vehicle traffic.  

  • Slow Streets are temporary restrictions to through traffic.  
  • Residents can still drive to their homes, receive deliveries, be picked up or dropped off, and more.  
  • These are not full street closures, and city services like trash pickup and street sweeping will remain.  
  • On a Slow Street, the space in the roadway is shared between people on bikes or on foot, and people driving or riding in cars. 

Potential Slow Streets in the Bayview 

Bayview Phase 4 Slow Streets

A - Mendell Street, from Oakdale to Evans streets

B - Combination of Scotia, Thorton and Thomas avenues

We Want to Hear from You! 

Thank you for your interest. The outreach process has concluded.

For questions about Slow Streets, review our Frequently Asked Questions or email


This program was made possible in part by Proposition K Sales Tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority. 

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Контактная информация (Contact Information)