Vintage Streetcar Rehabilitations and Upgrades

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Project Timeline
Winter 2018
Detailed Design: Winter 2018 - Fall 2019
Fall 2019
Construction: Fall 2019 - Fall 2023
Статус проекта (Project Status)
  1. Current
Текущая фаза или этап (Current Phase or Stage)
Detailed Design
Прогнозируемое завершение (Predicted Completion)
Fall 2023
Усовершенствования (Improvements)
Muni Metro train
Improve historic streetcar service
Bus Routes and Rail Lines

The Plan

The historic streetcar fleet is a collection of one-of-a-kind electric rail vehicles from the U.S. and around the world. The current historic streetcar fleet consists of 34 Presidential Commission Cars (PCCs), 11 Milan Cars, and eight Vintage streetcars. These vehicles operate along the F Market & Wharves and E Embarcadero lines, which are popular routes for tourists and locals alike. Historic vehicles cannot be replaced on a regular schedule because there is a limited supply of them worldwide. Instead, a program of regular rehabilitation is critical to the long-term operation of the fleet.

This project will rehabilitate five Vintage streetcars in accordance with the Historical Vehicle Rehabilitation Program of the SFMTA Fleet Plan. The five Vintage streetcars are double-ended vehicles, which are equipped with operating cabs at both ends of the vehicle and can operate bidirectionally. These double-ended vehicles are critical to meeting E and F line service demand. The rehabilitation will upgrade major electrical and mechanical systems and will ensure these systems meet ADA requirements. Improvements and upgrades will be made to the propulsion system, door systems, electrical system, radio system, vehicle body, and farebox. The like-new and improved Vintage vehicles will not only be more reliable, but also safer, and more comfortable for our operators and passengers.

Environmental Benefits

For almost 85 years, Muni has continuously operated a network of vehicles, including historic streetcars, that run on 100% greenhouse gas-free Hetch Hetchy hydroelectric power. Our zero-emissions historic streetcar fleet helped the City meet its 2017 San Francisco Climate Action Strategy goals. Rehabilitating our Vintage streetcars will play a key role in meeting the City’s future environmental goals by improving historic streetcar service and growing ridership on the greenest transportation system in North America.

Additionally, rehabilitating the Vintage streetcars is in line with the City’s voter-approved Transit-First Policy established in 1973. The policy prioritizes public transit, bicycling, and walking on SF Streets as an economically and environmentally preferable alternative to transportation by individual automobiles. By providing safe, reliable, rapid, and environmentally sustainable transit service, this project will support our city’s economic and population growth while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption.

Контактная информация (Contact Information)
Aaron Posner