Buena Vista West Neighborhood Parking Plan

Введение к проекту (Project Introduction)

Area residents and the Buena Vista Neighborhood Association (BVNA) requested that the SFMTA create a neighborhood parking plan that could include a Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Area. Neighbors have observed increased parking activity and vehicles that are parked for a week or more, making it difficult for residents to find parking close to their homes.

Typically, a neighborhood parking management plan will include a combination of parking management strategies, including Residential Permit Parking (RPP), where appropriate.

Ordinarily, creating a new RPP area requires the submission of a petition with signatures from either 250 residential units or at least 50% of the residential units in the proposed RPP area. Forming an RPP area as part of a neighborhood parking plan, however, would not require the submission of such a petition.

The creation of a neighborhood parking plan requires the support of the neighborhood. The SFMTA wants to know your opinion about forming a new RPP Area in the Buena Vista West neighborhood.  

This survey asks you to indicate whether or not you support RPP in your neighborhood. It also asks questions about the amount of parking available to you at your home.

Please take a few moments to let us know what you think. Please answer all questions, so we have an accurate picture of neighborhood parking management needs.

Click here to take the Buena Vista West Parking Survey

Please note the survey closes at 5 P.M. on June 30, 2019.

If you would like a paper copy of the survey sent to you by mail, please call 415.579.9712.

How We Got Here

On June 26, 2018, to start a community-wide conversation about neighborhood parking challenges, the Buena Vista Neighborhood Association (BVNA) organized a community meeting at the  Randall Museum. About fifty residents, mostly from the blocks west of Buena Vista Park, attended the meeting. Kathryn Studwell, Parking Policy Program Manager of  the SFMTA’s Parking & Curb Management team made a presentation  and explained the following:

  • How the SFMTA regulates parking
  • The available tools for managing neighborhood parking
  • The process of creating a neighborhood parking plan for Buena Vista West that could potentially include the formation of a new Residential Permit Parking Area (RPP)
  • How the RPP program would be administered and enforced and

The residents asked a number of questions that pertained to:

  • Discouraging long-term parking of recreational and other vehicles used as domiciles
  • The process of forming an RPP Area

Микрорайоны (Neighborhoods)

Overview of Legislative Process for a Neighborhood Parking Management Plan, including a Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Area.

  • Receive request from residents and/or neighborhood association to assess the need for parking regulations in the neighborhood. 

  • Survey residents about their support for Residential Permit Parking (RPP); analyze survey responses.

  • Conduct field research and data collection, including parking occupancy surveys to document existing conditions related to parking supply and utilization

  • Develop draft parking plan, including proposed Residential Permit Parking area with boundaries and hours of enforcement

  • Hold a series of community meetings to present research findings and proposed parking plan and subsequent revisions to the plan based on neighborhood feedback.

  • Finalize proposed plan based on input from residents and neighborhood association.

  • Presentation of proposal to the city’s Transportation Advisory Staff Committee

  • Hold public hearing

  • Approval by the SFMTA Board of Directors

Please respond to the survey and indicate whether you support permit parking.


Frequently Asked Questions about Residential Permit Parking

How many permits may I purchase?

Residents may purchase one permit for themselves.  Up to two permits may be issued per residential address. (A separate residential unit, whether a single family home or an apartment unit in a multi-family building is a single address). Permits for in-home child care or medical care providers are exempt from the two per address limit.

What is the current cost of an RPP permit?

The RPP permit is $136 for twelve months and renewable annually.

How can I obtain a permit if I live just outside the boundary of a new permit area? 

Residents must initiate the process of establishing a new or extending an existing RPP Area.  If a resident lives outside the boundary of a new permit area, they may petition SFMTA to have their block included in the permit area closest to their home. The petition must have signatures from at least 50 percent of the residential units on the block proposed to be added. Once the block is added to a resident permit parking area, they are eligible to purchase a permit.

What if I do not own a car, but rent one for a few days or have visitors?

Permit parking regulations are typically in effect Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Visitors do not need a permit to park in the evening or on weekends.  If you rent a car or have visitors during the work week, you may purchase up to 20 one-day visitor permits per year.  If you are a new resident or temporarily living in the city, you may purchase 2, 4, 6 or 8-week temporary permits.

I own a business in the area; can I get a permit?

Yes. An individual who owns or leases commercial property within a permit area may purchase one permit. The permit is issued to the individual holding the property lease.  To purchase a permit, the business owner must show a current property lease or deed, a current business tax certificate and a current vehicle registration.  Up to three additional permits are available for delivery vehicles.  These vehicles must display a commercial license plate and be registered to the business at the business address in the permit area.   

Can I get a permit for caretakers?

Yes.  Residents may obtain a transferrable permit for use by child or medical care providers, who provide such services at their address. The medical care provider must be authorized by the resident’s licensed physician.  The transferrable child care permit requires that a copy of the child’s birth certificate be attached to the permit application. 

If approved, when will Residential Permit Parking go into effect?

Once the SFMTA Board approves the establishment of a new permit area, it takes approximately three months to print the new decals and for the signs to be installed.  

How Is Residential Permit Parking enforced?

Permit parking is enforced by Parking Control Officers (PCOs), who make the rounds of the permit area to enforce the posted time limit. When a vehicle without a permit is parked overtime, it is ticketed. Permitted vehicles will also be ticketed if the permit has expired.  

How do I avoid a citation?

To avoid a citation, vehicles must be moved more than one block (not across the street) before the time limit expires. 

Can Resident Permit Parking regulations be changed?

Yes.  After a new permit area is established, the boundaries, specific days and times of restricted parking may be changed.  For example, if residents want parking restrictions to extend to the evening hours or the weekend they may petition the SFMTA to make changes.  As with any petition to modify traffic regulations, the petition must have signatures from a majority of the households on the blocks that want the change.  In addition, any block within an existing permit area may petition SFMTA to have permit parking eligibility on their block rescinded.  The petition requires signatures from a majority of the households on the block that desires the change.  Most requests to modify a permit parking area restrictions take about three months to be processed. 

For more information about resident permit parking Visit www.sfmta.com/rpp or email InfoRPP@sfmta.com

Контактная информация (Contact Information)
Kathryn Studwell