Tuesday, May 12, 2015
We continue highlighting the importance of good and well maintained transportation this week in honor of National Transportation Week and in the face of the MAP-21 May 31 deadline.
Recently, the New York Times published a widely shared piece on the the link between safe, reliable transportation and getting out of poverty. It makes sense that our country's economy would need goods and people to move freely in order to thrive. It turns out, individuals need the same ability to increase their upward mobility.
The family featured in the article didn't find their personal solution in public transit; they needed access to a well maintained and efficient transportation system: safe, well designed roads. Millions across the country and in the Bay Area also rely on mass transit. For us at the SFMTA, it's an important reminder that all of our customers all need safe streets and efficient transit. Most are not here on vacation, they are working hard to improve their lives and those of their family. (Not that we begrudge anyone a vacation.)

The 38 Geary approaches waiting passengers on Geary at Powell, sharing the red lane with a San Francisco taxi. Aug. 22, 2014
Each Tuesday we bring you a tidbit of transit news or trivia, either from our own backyard or from around the globe.
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