Racial Equity Action Plan

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The Racial Equity Action Plans are tools to centralize, document and evaluate the agency’s commitment to advancing racial equity, through internal and external operations. The Phase One Racial Equity Action Plan focuses on internal equity commitments, including actions related to hiring, recruitment, discipline, belonging, development and the SFMTA Board of Directors. The Phase Two Racial Equity Action Plan will on focus the agency’s external equity commitments, including - but not limited to - community engagement, service delivery, staff safety and support, system safety, planning, project delivery, climate justice, mobility justice and policy.

Below is more information about our internal racial equity commitments, including:

  • The Phase One Racial Equity Action Plan
  • An Evaluation of SFMTA’s Racial Equity Action Plan
  • A dashboard of SFMTA workforce demographics.

SFMTA Racial Equity Action Plan

    Racial Equity Action Plan Phase One

    The Phase One Racial Equity Action Plan focuses on the commitments to prioritizing racial equity within the workplace through to ensure that our worksites are supportive for all employees. The Phase One Racial Equity Action Plans outlines baseline strategies to advance racial equity in seven core areas:

    • Hiring and Recruitment
    • Retention and Promotions
    • Discipline and Separation
    • Diverse and Equitable Leadership
    • Mobility and Professional Development
    • Organizational Culture of Inclusion and Belonging, and
    • Boards and Commissions.

    View the full SFMTA Racial Equity Action Plan focused on internal racial equity priorities. 

    View the SFMTA Departmental Racial Equity Progress Report for updates on the implementation of the Phase One Racial Equity Action Plan.

    Evaluation of SFMTA’s Racial Equity Action Plan

    The Office of Racial Equity at the San Francisco Human Rights Commission (HRC) convenes racial equity staff in the City in County of San Francisco, and facilitates coalition-building to support the movement for racial equity. Below is written feedback from the HRC Office of Racial Equity which will be used by the SFMTA Office of Racial Equity and Belonging to inform ongoing implementation, analysis and accountability systems at the agency.

    View the HRC Office of Racial Equity assessment of the SFMTA Phase One Racial Equity Action Plan.