Muni Art 2022 Poem - Recipe for Happiness in Khabarovsk or Anyplace

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Recipe for Happiness in Khabarovsk or Anyplace

One grand boulevard with trees
with one grand café in sun
with strong black coffee in very small cups

One not necessarily very beautiful
man or woman who loves you

One fine day

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, “Recipe For Happiness in Khabarovsk or Anyplace.” Reprinted with the permission of the author. All rights reserved. Muni Art 2022, San Francisco Beautiful,

Artist Interpretations

Krithika Sengottaiyan

Chairs and tables with coffee cups in the Bush Cafe with flower drawings on the walls

Richard Louis Perri

Mirror-image artistic portraits of a bearded and beret-capped male figure, possibly Lawrence Ferlinghetti, in salmon and teal colors with a dark blue and purplish background

Sebastian Raphael

A fanciful image of two teacups on saucers in the air in front of a church with two towers, a cherry blossom tree and outlines of roses. A bearded figure rides one of the saucers. A dark beverage spills out of the pink saucer, while the light green saucer appears empty.

Steffan Sanguinetti

Two-color posterized view of Sloat Boulevard with a four-color Doggie Diner head on a pole in the foreground and traffic lights in the intersection showing yellow lights

Tan Sirinumas

An intersection in Nob Hill with cable car tracks and a cable car stop sign. There are trees and an older yellow three-story building. A person on a bicycle enters the intersection. People sit or walk outside the red storefront.