Potrero Yard Modernization Project - Refined Project and Paratransit Variant

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Refined Project

The Refined Project is the four-story bus facility with housing adjacent and above. It maximizes housing units and affordability with up to 465 units of affordable all-family and workforce housing. That is the primary alternative.

Aerial view from the northwest of the bus facility and proposed housing (Arcadis IBI Group)

Aerial view from the northwest shows the refined project with the bus facility and proposed housing (Arcadis IBI Group)

Paratransit Variant

In addition to the Refined Project, the Project’s Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) also studied a Paratransit Variant in which the top of the bus facility could be used for the SFMTA’s paratransit fleet. Paratransit service is for people unable to independently use or access Muni because of a disability or disabling health condition. The Paratransit Variant includes paratransit vehicle parking and solar panels on the roof of the bus facility. This variant is a backup alternative to the housing proposed above the bus facility, which remains the primary project.

Paratransit variant with Aerial view from the northwest of the bus facility with Paratransit above

Aerial view showing Paratransit Variant from the northwest with paratransit above the bus facility (Arcadis IBI Group)

Given the nature and timing of housing financing, in the event that housing above the bus facility cannot be financed and built in a reasonable timeframe, the Paratransit Variant is a backup that allows the roof to be fully utilized for an important transit function for the paratransit fleet. The 104 units of proposed Affordable Family housing along Bryant Street are included in this variant.

The roof of the bus facility requires increased structural strength (a reinforced podium) to support either housing or paratransit above. Given that the bus facility will be built before the proposed housing above, including this variant would allow the SFMTA to fund this reinforced podium up front and provide extra time for housing to be built and then reimburse those costs.

Both the Refined Project and the Paratransit Variant would result in an improved bus yard facility, housing units, commercial space, and a public restroom for park visitors