Over the past nine months we’ve been busy talking to neighbors about our pedestrian safety and Muni reliability proposals along Taraval Street. We hosted three open houses, three small group meetings, met with community groups, schools and organizations in the area, conducted a walking tour, mailed 11,000 postcards, handed out 3,000 flyers, and conducted two online surveys to spread the word and gather feedback about our proposal.
We appreciate all of the great input we’ve received during this process. It has been instrumental to ensure this project benefits everyone using the street, keeps people safe and keeps Muni moving.
Online webinar:
For an indepth walkthough of the updated project proposal, you can watch our project webinar.
Resident letter:
Read through the letter below for a detailed explanation of the project, including what has been changed based on community feedback. This letter has been mailed to nearly 17,000 residents in the Sunset who surround the project area.
- Resident letter (English)
- Resident letter (Chinese)
- Resident letter (Spanish)
- Resident letter (Russian)
Project proposal and materials:
You can also view all the project materials online for more information about the proposal.
- Final project plan view renderings [PDF]
- Stop spacing map [PDF]
- Parking mitigation strategy [PDF]
- Parking details [PDF]
- Pilot explanation [PDF]
- Boarding island example [PDF]
- Clear zone rendering [PDF]
For those interested in providing additional feedback on the proposal, a public hearing will be held on July 22, 2016 at 10 a.m. at City Hall room 416. Following, SFMTA staff will present the recommended proposal at the SFMTA Board of Directors meeting in summer 2016.