Monthly - Discount

Learn about fees, application requirements, and where to buy discounted single monthly passes for seniors, customers with disabilities, and Medicare patients.

Valid on all Muni vehicles including cable cars.

Seniors must apply for and receive a discount Clipper card before they can purchase the discount monthly pass. People with Disabilities and customers with Medicare cards must apply for and receive a Regional Transit Connection (RTC) card

Accepted Forms of ID

When using senior/disability discounts you must be prepared to show your proof of eligibility while riding on Muni, as well as within the paid areas of Muni stations.

Seniors (65+)

  • State issued Driver's license or ID card
  • SF City ID Card
  • Alien Registration/Permanent Resident Card
  • Matricula Consular/Consular Identification Card
  • Passport

Customers with Disabilities

  • RTC Discount ID
  • California DMV Disabled Parking Placard Registration Receipt AND photo ID
          If you have disabled license plates, you will need to submit a "Medical Eligibility" form
  • Discount card from another transit agency in California AND photo ID
  • Proof of Veterans Disability
         A copy of your Service Connected Disability ID Card and your VA Certification letter demonstrating a disability rating for aid and attendance or a service-connected disability with a rating level of 50% or higher. Please note that it may take more than several months to verify your application with the VA due to their current work volume.  For a quicker turnaround, it is recommended that you use a "Medical Eligibility" form instead.

Medicare Card Holders

  • Medicare card AND photo ID

Purchasing A Monthly Pass

Sign up for Autoload and have your monthly pass automatically loaded on your Clipper card each month or make a one-time pass purchase.

Monthly passes can also be purchased on your Clipper card for the current month from the 1st –16th at any Clipper retailer or at a Ticket Vending Machine located in every Muni Metro Station.  After the 16th of each month, the following month's pass is available for purchase.  Monthly passes have a three day grace period at the beginning of the following month.
