Students learning about the Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan project. The new Bayview Shuttle is part of this work.
We’re one step closer to bringing an on-demand shuttle to the Bayview early this fall.
The SFMTA Board of Directors recently approved our vendor contract for the “Our Community, Our Shuttle” Bayview Shuttle Program. It will include the new shuttle and a range of other resources. The pilot program aims to address decades of disinvestment by providing services that are directly recommended by the community.
After the Board’s decision, we can now move forward with Via, our vendor. Together with community members, we’ll start to finalize the shuttle service area and other service details.
We’re excited to share how the shuttle works – and ways you can get involved and stay in touch ahead of launch.
Bayview Shuttle basics: how it works and ways to book a ride

Accessible version of the Bayview Shuttle potential service area map.
How it works and where
The Bayview Shuttle will be a dynamic travel option. That means it doesn’t have a fixed route like a bus line.
Instead, you can catch a ride within a fixed “service area.” This covers any trip that starts and ends within the Bayview-Hunters Point communities. The exact shuttle service area is still in development. We’re partnering with Via and the community to decide the boundaries of the service zone. Our goal is to help you reach destinations that were hard to get to before.
The shuttle will pick up and drop off riders throughout the area. Sometimes, you may have to cross the street or take a short walk to reach the shuttle for the start or end of your trip. Since this is a shared service, other riders can also be picked up and dropped off during your trip.
How to book a ride
You can get a ride by a cellphone app or a call center that includes language services in English, Spanish and Chinese. We’ll share an update with the details on our Bayview Shuttle Program webpage ( Shuttle) this summer.
You’ll be able to pay your fare the same way you do on Muni -- with your Clipper card or MuniMobile. The payments work the same way as when you ride our buses or trains. After you pay, you’ll also have two hours to switch to any Muni route. This way, you can enjoy a connected transit experience.
For example, you can take the shuttle to bus routes like the T Third Street or the 15 Bayview Hunters Point Express.

Our staff engaging with residents about the Bayview Community Shuttle.
History of the shuttle: hearing from residents to meet their needs
To make the shuttle program a success, we worked with nine community organizations to gather feedback from the community.
Together, we hosted 28 public events, where we spoke to almost 2,000 residents.
We also conducted a survey that residents could fill out online, since we knew not everyone could make it to in-person events.
The community told us they wanted easy connections to:
- Local and regional transit, like the T Third and BART
- Local community services, such as grocery stores
- The San Bruno Avenue commercial district
The feedback we heard will help shape the shuttle service area.

Our staff working with community partners during one of our quarterly committee meetings.
Partnering to provide critical services in the Bayview
We also work closely with our community partners to provide other important services through the Bayview Shuttle Program.
These services have already launched, and they include:
- A community shuttle outreach and marketing program to help guide our staff on how best to engage with local residents and businesses.
- A workforce development program to recruit, train, and hire Bayview residents as drivers for the shuttle. Participants will earn Teamster-equivalent wages and benefits, with a path to employment as a Muni operator.
- A Transportation Resource Center storefront on 3rd Street where residents can get connected with transportation information and services.
- A Community Congress to provide community-driven oversight of program progress and delivery.
We work with our partners to host quarterly, public meetings about these services. Visit the Bayview Shuttle Program webpage for the most up-to-date information on these meetings and a full list of our community partners.
How to get involved
As the on-demand shuttle service gets closer to launching, we’ll work Via and community partners to host a series of community events. They will cover more information on the service area, shuttle hours and how to ride.
We'll share the details on our Bayview Shuttle Program webpage. You can also use that page to sign up for email updates about the program.
The new shuttle is a key step in our work to address recommendations from the Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan. You can follow our progress by visiting the Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan webpage.
This shuttle project is funded by the California Air Resources Board through a Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) grant. STEP is part of the California Climate Investments.
It’s a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work. They support projects that:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Strengthen the economy
- Improvement public health and the environment - particularly disadvantaged communities
To share feedback at any time about the Bayview Shuttle Program, you can reach out to us at
Comments are for the English version of this page.