Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Name of Your Organization Host Contact First Name Host Contact Last Name Host Contact Title Phone Number Email Location, Date and TimeTell us more about where you'd like to host the presentation. Location Address Requested Presentation Date Requested Presentation Start Time (Must be between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM) The presentation room will have available (check all that apply)A large TV or projector screenAt least 1 available electrical outletDimming lightsGuest Wi-Fi internet access Alternate Language AssistanceLet us know if you will need any language assistance for non-English speakers. Will an interpreter be needed?No, an interpreter will not be needed.Yes, we will provide our own interpreter.Yes, please provide an interpreter for us. If a provided interpreter will be needed, what language? Cantonese Mandarin Russian Spanish ASL Other Choose only one alternate language. We can always schedule additional presentations for additional alternate languages upon request. AudienceTell us more about who will be in the audience Approximately how many attendees do you expect? A rough estimate is OK How many of the attendees . . . None of them A few of them Several of them All of them I don't know Are 65 or older Have difficulty using Muni because of a disability Have Free Muni for Seniors or RTC Clipper Card Regularly use Muni to get around Used to ride Muni but have stopped Have never taken a trip on Muni Regularly use Paratransit services to get around What information do you think the attendees want to know about? Check all that applyTips for Older Adults and People with Disabilities using Muni, and Muni's accessible features and resources.A discussion of various transportation options available in San Francisco and how to access them.Eligibility criteria for ADA Paratransit service and how to apply.Services available to ADA-eligible SF Paratransit riders and how they work.How SF Paratransit's Shop-a-Round and/or Van Gogh services work and how to sign up.Other reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA.