Feedback received during the first round of outreach helped our project team develop initial proposals that we shared with the community in the fall of 2022. We have shared the proposals and received feedback at community events including the OMI Roller Skate Party, OMI Senior Luncheon and Lakeview-OMI Kwanzaa Celebration. Options to review the designs and sharing feedback online options were also available.
We have heard a wide variety of feedback on these proposals. We have heard that M Ocean View riders want faster and more reliable service, and that many M Ocean View train stops lack basic amenities. People walking along the corridor need safety improvements. Cars often sped on San Jose Avenue, and stunt driving is a common occurrence. Some would prefer to keep the stop at Orizaba Street and Broad Street to access the future library location on Brotherhood Way. Some have concerns that new traffic signals on Randolph Street at Ramsell and Victoria streets could encourage speeding and cause congestion on side streets. Many stops do not have accessible boarding areas—and it also doesn’t feel safe to get on or off the train from the traffic lane. Lastly, we have heard from others that parking loss would be a concern.
Based on this feedback, we revised and shared updated proposals with the public beginning in May 2023.