Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrades

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프로젝트 소개 (Project Introduction)

The Geneva Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrades project will implement pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements and enhance access to education, recreation, transit stations, and shopping destinations along the Geneva Avenue corridor.

Signal improvements include the addition of new signals at two intersections and signal upgrades at two intersections. Major project elements include the installation of new pedestrian countdown signals, new accessible pedestrian signals, and new mast arm signals to improve signal visibility. Bike improvements include the extension of existing class II bike lanes on Geneva Avenue.

The project is funded by General Obligation Bond funds, General Fund Population Growth Proposition B, a Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP)-State grant, and local funds.

Project Locations

  • Geneva Avenue and London Street, new traffic signals
  • Geneva Avenue and Paris Street, signal upgrade
  • Geneva Avenue and Naples Street, signal upgrade
  • Geneva Avenue and Athens Street, new traffic signals
Project Timeline
Spring 2018 - Spring 2021
Solicit Bids from Contractors
Spring 2021 - Winter 2022
Winter 2022 - Summer 2023
프로젝트 상태 (Project Status)
  1. Completed
개선 (Improvements)
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연락처 (Contact Information)
Dusson Yeung