SFMTA Budget Planning - Fiscal Years 2023 & 2024

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프로젝트 소개 (Project Introduction)

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 & 2024 SFMTA Budget was passed by the SFMTA Board of Directors on April 19, 2022. The budget is being formally presented to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Budget and Appropriations Committee on May 18th.

Delivering on Community Service Priorities

This budget cycle, the SFMTA approached outreach as a city-wide listening session. Rather than presenting a pre-set budget to our stakeholders, customers and the wider community for feedback, we focused on soliciting feedback and then crafted our budget to address the top community priorities. 

Pie chart of budget priorities: 40.9% Improving speed, frequency, reliability of Muni; 14.3% Improving personal safety on Muni; 13.6% Reducing traffic congestion and eliminating bottlenecks by improving public transit; 9.9% Improving transportation in equity neighborhoods; 8% Improving pedestrian safety; 5.8% Repairing and maintaining buses, trains and transit infrastructure; 5.5% Improving bicycle safety

Budget Highlights


As a direct result of community feedback, the SFMTA FY 2023 & 2024 budget has doubled down on our long-standing commitment to ensuring equity in San Francisco’s public transportation network.

We agree that for San Francisco to be an equitable community, we must fully invest in a robust transportation system that ensures that everyone--especially people who have the fewest transportation options and rely most on Muni--can access jobs and services throughout San Francisco. Consequently, there are no fare increases for the two-year budget period (pause fare indexing) and we have continued Free Muni for All Youth.


To make Muni faster and more reliable, we’ll be investing an unprecedented amount in State of Good Repair, because a broken bus or train reduces reliability and impacts all our riders.  The FY 2023 & 2024 budget also invests in street improvements that have proven to increase Muni reliability, such as transit lanes, bus bulbs and smart traffic signals. Similar improvements on the 9R San Bruno, 5R Fulton and 14 Mission have improved the rider experience and increased both reliability and ridership. 


We also know that for the SFMTA to increase ridership and reduce car use – one of the most important changes in our fight against climate change – riders need to feel safe. Consequently, we’ve increased investments in Muni safety, including fully funding the security budget with 20 new Muni Transit Ambassadors who began riding Muni routes at the end of 2021 to assist customers, defuse and deter conflicts, prevent acts of vandalism and assist operators. We’ve also funded a new Safety Equity Initiative designed to reduce gender-based harassment and violence on Muni.

The FY 2023 & 2024 Budget also includes 53% more funding than the previous two-year budget for Quick Build projects that slow down vehicle speeds and increase pedestrian visibility and safety, which will help us achieve our Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries. 

The 2-year Consolidated Operating and Capital Budget will go into effect on July 1 and will end on June 30, 2024. To learn more, view our full budget

Community Survey Details

  • Surveys were offered in English, Chinese, Spanish and Filipino both online and in print. They included an open-ended question to ensure San Franciscans had a real opportunity to provide specific feedback about service priorities. 

  • 1,295 responses from online and paper surveys in four languages  

  •  917 additional comments from listening sessions, phone calls, emails and open survey responses 
  • Feedback from the SFMTA Board of Directors and Citizens Advisory Council 

View additional information about the community outreach and budget listening sessions.

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