Since the Mission / Geneva Safety Project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in September 2019, the project team has been working to advance detailed design of the safety, transit, and curb management improvements on Mission Street and Geneva Avenue. We've also been developing 'quick-build' safety and transit upgrades coming this summer to provide upgrades in advance of the larger captial project.
Quick-build upgrades
To improve pedestrian safety and support local businesses while the project team designs the larger capital project, the SFMTA is installing ‘quick-build’ improvements this summer, including the following:
- Painted safety zones — painted areas at corners where concrete bulb-outs will later be added to improve the visibility of people walking
- Visibility daylighting — prohibition of parking approaching crosswalks, also to improve the visibility of people walking
- Curb management changes — improved loading and more metered parking to support access for local businesses
- Transit stop changes to improve Muni reliability and travel times
- Relocation of the southbound stop to the near-side of Mission & Persia
- Relocation of the westbound stop to the far-side of Geneva & Naples
- Removal of the north- and southbound stops at Mission & Brazil/Norton (closest remaining: Mission & Persia)
- Removal of the east- and westbound stops at Geneva & Paris (closest remaining: Geneva & Mission)
Design & implementation schedule
The project team is also hard at work advancing design of the larger capital project. We are prioritizing safety upgrades that will be constructed along with new and modified traffic signals on Geneva Avenue in 2021. This is being done to minimize construction impacts and deliver improvements for the community faster and more efficiently.
Traffic safety and transit improvements at other locations on Geneva Avenue and all on Mission Street are also in design; these are expected to be constructed starting in 2022. With changes planned for 25 intersections along both corridors, the team is excited to bring some of the most substantial upgrades to the Excelsior community in decades.