Project Reports

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West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements – Final Proposal

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  Left turns would be prohibited from northbound West Portal onto Ulloa Street and from southbound West Portal onto Vicente Street.  The bus stop at the northwest corner of West Portal and Vicente Street would be eliminated. Vertical speed elements would be added at three locations on Wawona Street between Vicente and Taraval Streets.  Lenox Way would be converted to one-way. The 91 Owl bus stop would be moved from inside the horseshoe to on Ulloa Street at West Portal Avenue.

June 28 Update: One part of the proposal has changed from the original June 27 materials. The 91 Owl stop and terminal is now proposed to move to the south side of Ulloa Street between West Portal Avenue and Claremont Boulevard.  

The refined proposal for the West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements Project reflects changes and additions based on community feedback and further engineering and design. The proposal includes:

Traffic calming treatments on Ulloa, Vicente and Wawona streets

  • Based on community feedback, we expanded the scope of traffic calming improvements. The refined proposals do more to discourage speeding on Ulloa Street and introduce treatments along Vicente and Wawona streets. Together, these changes would discourage speeding, calm traffic and signal that drivers should slow down as they approach West Portal Avenue with its significant number of people walking.

Ulloa Street: 

  • Flexible plastic delineators and/or low-profile speed bumps would be added between Forest Side and West Portal avenues to require drivers to make slower, safer movements.
  • Intersection improvements would be installed at each intersection between Forest Side Avenue and Claremont Boulevard using paint and raised elements to calm traffic and turns.
  • New Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons would be added to make people crossing more visible at the intersection of Ulloa and Wawona streets to people driving.

Vicente Street:

  • Changes at Vicente Street’s intersections with Portola Drive/Santa Clara Avenue and West Portal Avenue would work with a pre-existing plan to install concrete islands at the five-way Madrone Avenue/Wawona Street/Vicente Street intersection. Improvements along these three intersections together would serve to calm traffic as it approaches West Portal Avenue from either side of Vicente Street.
  • Vicente Street/Portola Drive/Santa Clara Avenue would receive similar intersection improvements to those described above for Ulloa Street including paint and raised elements. 
  • At West Portal Avenue, the 57 Parkmerced stop on the north side of Vicente Street just west of West Portal Avenue would be removed to improve safety and traffic flow. Currently, when a bus stops in this location, the westbound travel lane is partially blocked by the bus, causing cars traveling westbound to drive partially in the eastbound lane to pass the bus and creating more friction at this busy intersection. This low-ridership stop was previously needed as extra terminal space, but it no longer needed. 

Wawona Street:

  • Six new speed tables  would be installed on the blocks of Wawona Street between 14th Avenue and Taraval Street. Recent speed data collected indicated approximately 14% of cars were traveling over 30 mph northbound (uphill, speed limit 25 mph), and approximately 20% of cars were traveling over 30 mph downhill on the blocks of Wawona Street where traffic calming is proposed.
  • As mentioned above, new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons would be installed to make people crossing more visible at the intersection of Ulloa and Wawona street to people driving.

Vehicle restrictions and transit lanes

West Portal Avenue/Ulloa Street:

  • Left-turns from northbound West Portal Avenue would be restricted as would westbound through traffic at Ulloa Street. Together, these two restrictions would simplify the intersection and decrease conflicts between people walking and vehicles by decreasing overall vehicle traffic through this intersection. 
  • The remaining vehicle movements allowed in this intersection are the ones considered most important for access to West Portal Avenue for customers. This maintains the ability for cars to turn south onto West Portal Avenue from Ulloa Street in either direction. In addition, drivers may travel eastbound across West Portal to maintain access to the businesses on that block of Ulloa Street, as well as to provide access to the SFMTA Ulloa/Claremont Lot.  

West Portal Avenue/Vicente Street:

  • The southbound left-turn from West Portal Avenue to Vicente Street would be restricted. Left turns at signalized intersections are responsible for about 40% of traffic deaths in San Francisco and, in 2013, a woman was killed by a driver turning left at this crosswalk.

Transit lanes

  • Transit lanes would be installed on small segments of West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street to help reinforce turn restrictions.

One-Way Lenox Way

Lenox Way would be converted from a two-way street to a one-way street traveling southbound downhill. This circulation change would help achieve the project goal to discourage through traffic through the West Portal Station area because Lenox Way traffic would only be able to travel westbound on Ulloa Street away from West Portal Station. It also would support compliance with the West Portal Avenue/Ulloa Street no westbound through and no northbound left turn restrictions because drivers destined for Lenox would no longer need to make these turns to access Lenox Way and would instead access Lenox Way via Taraval Street.

A painted edge line would be installed on Lenox Way to visually narrow the roadway and provide clear space to make it easier for cars backing out of driveways to have improved visibility for completing the maneuver. Adjacent to West Portal Elementary, a painted buffer area would be installed next to the existing passenger loading zone to give more space for student pick-up and drop-off related loading. 

Image of a section of Lenox Way with a painted edgline to narrow the travel lane

Illustration of Lenox Way edgeline to visually narrow street and provide room to back out of driveways

At the intersection of Lenox Way and Ulloa Street, the existing painted safety zone would be modified to provide room for cars traveling from Lenox Way onto Ulloa Street to turn and pass in the Muni outbound bus zone when no bus is present if needed. This responds to one of the concerns we heard from Lenox Way residents who were concerned that if a train is parked on Ulloa Street, that there would not be enough room to safely pass. Speed bumps or other treatments would be installed to ensure turns here are done slowly.

Horseshoe redesign

The half circle outside the station would be redesigned as a welcoming new station entrance. This redesign would use temporary materials designed to last three to five years to evaluate how well the space functions and provide time to plan a redesign with more permanent materials as appropriate. The redesign elements include a series of planters and a street mural. They would all work together to define the pedestrian-only space within the horseshoe and direct Muni riders to the best path to access the platforms.

In addition, wayfinding murals would be painted on the West Portal Station walls to beautify the space. Note that these elements do not require any parking and traffic legislation but are included here to share the full context of the project proposals. 

People walking in a plaza outside West Portal Station with blue dots and planters.

Conceptual illustration of horseshoe re-design (draft, subject to change)

Parking and loading changes

The following parking and loading changes would be made:

  • Lenox Way: Three more passenger loading zones (to respond to community requests for more room for drop-offs at West Portal Station and the West Portal Library) and two Muni Maintenance parking spaces (removes four general metered spaces and one RPP space)
  • Ulloa Street: On the south side of the block between West Portal Avenue and Claremont Boulevard, five spaces would become a part time bus zone for the 91 Owl between 11 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.
  • Vicente Street: Restoration of one general metered and one blue zone on Vicente at West Portal due to stop removal
  • Taraval Street: Daylighting and re-location of Claremont school bus loading zone (removal of ~5 parking spaces on Taraval at Lenox)

A map shows new proposed parking and loading zones on Lenox Way at Ulloa Street. On the west side of Lenox Way, starting at Ulloa Street, the would be a small red no parking zone at the corner. Outside the Library there would be two passenger loading zones, and, going north, two 10-minute parking zones. On the east side of Lenox Way, from Ulloa Street, three passenger loading white zones would be added. North of that, two Muni vehicle zones would be added.

Diagram of parking changes at Ulloa Street and Lenox Way

91 Owl Reroute

The 91 3rd Street/19th Avenue Owl stop and terminal space that is currently located in the horseshoe would be relocated to the south side of Ulloa Street just east of West Portal Avenue. To facilitate this new stop location, the routing would be revised such that after stopping at the terminal, 91 Owl trips would turn right on Claremont Boulevard, turn right onto Portola Drive, turn right onto Vicente Street and turn left to go south on West Portal Avenue. 

The 91 3rd Street/19th Avenue Owl stop and terminal space that is currently located in the horseshoe would be relocated to the south side of Ulloa Street just east of West Portal Avenue. To facilitate this new stop location, the routing would be revised such that after stopping at the terminal, 91 Owl trips would turn right on Claremont Boulevard, turn right onto Portola Drive, turn right onto Vicente Street and turn left to go south on West Portal Avenue.


2024 KLM Rider Guide and Map

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Use this Rider Guide to help you get around during the Twin Peaks Tunnel closures on June 22-23, July 20-21 and August 22-29. Inside you will find info on the K, L and M bus substitutions as well as the S Shuttle trains in English, Chinese, Spanish and Filipino. 

West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements - Original Proposals

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Map shows proposed changes for the West Portal Area. West Portal Avenue's center lanes, in both directions, would be for transit and commercial vehicles only between Ulloa and Vicente. On Ulloa, the center lane eastbound would be transit and commercial vehicles only betweeen Wawona and West Portal. Betwen West Portal and Claremont, all west bound traffic would be limited to transit and commercial vehicles. Turns to westbound Ulloa would be eliminated at Ulloa and Claremont. Lenox Way would become one-way in the southbound direction.

As part of the West Portal Station Safety and Community Improvements Project, these proposals use tools proven to improve traffic safety. These include: 

Physically protect the bus stop on the north side of Ulloa at Lenox, such as with bollards.  

Improve intersection safety by clearly defining pedestrian, vehicle, and transit movements at the West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street intersection. The proposals would reduce conflicts between private vehicles, people walking and transit vehicles, and limit cut-through traffic by: 

  • Allowing only right turns for drivers heading east on Ulloa Street at West Portal Avenue 

  • Allowing only right turns for drivers heading north on West Portal Avenue at Ulloa Street 

  • Restricting westbound traffic on Ulloa Street at West Portal Avenue to transit and commercial vehicles 

Adding transit lanes to clarify lanes available to private vehicles given new turn restrictions. With the new turn restrictions at West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street, fewer lanes would be needed for private vehicle travel. We would convert the center lanes on West Portal Avenue between Ulloa and Vicente streets to transit lanes in both directions. On Ulloa Street, the westbound lane would be converted to a transit lane between Claremont Boulevard and Lenox Way, and the center eastbound lane between Wawona Street and West Portal Boulevard would become a transit lane. Private and commercial vehicles could still use the right lanes on West Portal Avenue.  These changes could also deter double-parking. 

Converting Lenox Way to one-way southbound and narrowing the intersection to only right turns for drivers at Ulloa Street. This change would reduce the risks from two left turns through the busy crosswalk across Lenox Way directly outside the West Portal Branch Library. By converting Lenox Way to one-way southbound traffic, drivers on Ulloa Street could no longer turn onto Lenox Way. Additionally, while the left turn is already illegal for southbound drivers on Lenox Way at Ulloa Street, new soft-hit posts would narrow the intersection and make it significantly harder for drivers to turn left. Drop-offs at West Portal Elementary would be preserved by allowing for dropoffs on the east side of Lenox Way for families driving southbound.  

Providing more dedicated, and protected, pedestrian space directly outside West Portal Station. At the entrance to West Portal Station, street space currently used by SFMTA operations vehicles would be converted to pedestrian and community space. This space could potentially allow for community-supporting murals, seating, planters, bike share stations or other priorities to support the commercial corridor and neighborhood at large.  

Street with some space reserved for pedestrians defined by bollards on the outside and a painted mural and planters holding trees and other plants.

Examples of materials that could be used to mark pedestrian-only space such as street murals, planters and bollards. 

Modifying the 57 Parkmerced bus’s route and one stop location.

The 57 Parkmerced’s last inbound and first outbound stop is currently at the southwest corner of Ulloa Street and West Portal Avenue. This stop and layover space would move across the intersection on Ulloa Street just east of West Portal Avenue.    The route would change for one block as well. New outbound trips would begin by serving its new stop on Ulloa between Claremont Boulevard and West Portal Avenue before turning right onto Claremont Boulevard, turning right onto Portola Drive, turning right onto Vicente Street, and turning left back onto its existing route on West Portal Avenue.

The 57 Parkmerced’s last inbound and first outbound stop is currently at the southwest corner of Ulloa Street and West Portal Avenue. This stop and layover space would move across the intersection on Ulloa Street just east of West Portal Avenue.  

The route would change for one block as well. New outbound trips would begin by serving its new stop on Ulloa between Claremont Boulevard and West Portal Avenue before turning right onto Claremont Boulevard, turning right onto Portola Drive, turning right onto Vicente Street, and turning left back onto its existing route on West Portal Avenue. 

Modifying the 91 Owl bus’s route and one stop location.

Currently, the 91 Owl serves its final stop directly outside West Portal Station before its layover period there. Since that stop location would be converted to community space, the layover location and the last inbound and first outbound stop would move to the stop used by the 48 Quintara-24th Street at West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street.    Additionally, the 91 Owl would no longer turn around directly in front of West Portal Station. New outbound trips would begin by serving its new stop at West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street before turning right onto Claremont Boulevard, turning right onto Portola Drive, turning right onto Vicente Street, and turning left back onto its existing route on West Portal Avenue.  

Currently, the 91 Owl serves its final stop directly outside West Portal Station before its layover period there. Since that stop location would be converted to community space, the layover location and the last inbound and first outbound stop would move to the stop used by the 48 Quintara-24th Street at West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street.  

Additionally, the 91 Owl would no longer turn around directly in front of West Portal Station. New outbound trips would begin by serving its new stop at West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street before turning right onto Claremont Boulevard, turning right onto Portola Drive, turning right onto Vicente Street, and turning left back onto its existing route on West Portal Avenue. 

Learn more are upcoming events and share your feedback in our survey by Sunday, April 28.