Accessible Parking Practices
SFMTA 2013-2018 Bicycle Strategy
SFMTA Bicycle StrategyThe SFMTA 2013-2018 Bicycle Strategy sets new directions and policy targets to make bicycling a part of everyday life in San Francisco. The key actions are designed to meet the...
Strategic Plan Metrics Report - January 2013
Strategic Plan Metrics Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...
Tour Request Form for Foreign Dignitaries & Official Delegations
December 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the December 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
List of Meters Under Port Jurisdiction as of November 2012
November 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the November 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
FY 2011 - 2012 Audit Financial Statements
Annual SFMTA financial statements and comprehensive annual financial report. FY 2011 - 2012 (Accessible PDF)
2-Year Operating and Capital Budgets - FY 2013 - FY 2014
FY 2013 - FY 2014 Operating Budget (PDF) FY 2013 - FY 2014 Capital Budget - Attachment A (PDF) FY 2013 - FY 2014 Capital Budget - Attachment B (PDF) For accessiblity assistance, please contact Cindy...
October 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the Ocotober 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
On-Street Car Sharing Pilot Evaluation (Sept 2012)
On-Street Car Sharing Pilot Evaluation (Sept 2012)
September 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the September 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
2012 San Francisco State of Cycling Report
(2012, September) The SFMTA periodically releases a State of Cycling report intended to give a snapshot of cycling in San Francisco. The 2012 State of Cycling Report benchmarks bicycle volumes...
2010-2011 San Francisco Collisions Report
The 2010 - 2011 San Francisco Collisions Report includes tables listing recent collision trends and highest injury collision intersections. This information is used to help indentify locations that...
August 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the August 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
July 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the July 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
FY 2013 and FY 2014 Budget Book
FY 2013 and 2014 Adopted Operational Budget FY 2013 and 2014 Capital Budget Attachment A FY 2013 and 2014 Capital Budget Attachment B For accessibility assistance, please contact Cindy Gumpal at 415...
Contractor Parking Permit Forms
Archive of Certified Payroll Reports
2012 Budget Balancing Panel Final Report
The SFMTA has held seven Panel meetings to discuss the short- and long-term financial options to secure adequate operating and capital resources for the SFMTA to fulfill its mission. Co-chaired by the...
June 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the June 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
FY 2013-2014 Capital Budget Update Presentation
FY 2013-2014 Capital Budget Update
May 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the May 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
2011 City of San Francisco Mode Share Survey Summary Report
The survey was conducted as a telephone study among 520 San Francisco residents aged 18 and older during June 2011. Interviewing was conducted in English, Spanish, and Cantonese. Surveying was...
April 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the April 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
Muni Access Guide
This is a guide to Muni Accessible Services, updated as of April 2012. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar files linked from this page are part of an archive and might...
Off-Street Parking Policy
This document outlines the current pricing policy for SF park garages. The SFMTA conducts demand-responsive pricing at garages in SF park pilot areas in order to achieve availability targets.
SFCTA Western SoMA Neighborhood Transportation Plan 2012
March 2012 Taxi Services Monthly Report
This is the March 2012 monthly report to the Director of Transportation which details SFMTA Taxi Services' accomplishments, ongoing projects, challenges and statistics for each month.
City of San Francisco 2011 Bicycle Count Report
The SFMTA's Citywide Bicycle Count Reports provide a detailed description of Livable Street’s summer citywide bicycle counts. This annual count is conducted at key intersections and corridors...