Last week we talked about San Francisco’s Vision Zero policy, the new website and the city’s efforts to make our streets safer as well as a popular, yet comparatively small, Vision Zero initiative to make all of SF’s crosswalks zebra-striped.
Today’s Transit Tuesday continues this conversation about safer streets but on the national stage. We’re featuring the latest post from the U.S. DOT’s Fast Lane blog. They’re talking about Secretary Foxx’s Mayors' Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets issued in January at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, DC. One month later the commitment coming from civic leaders across the country to reducing traffic injuries and fatalities is well on its way to 100 cities.
Earlier this month Mayor Ed Lee announced our participation in the DOT challenge, and SF is eager to join up with our fellow cities next month at the safety summit.
For more information, visit
On Tuesdays we bring you a tidbit of transit news or trivia, either from our own backyard or from around the globe. Thanks for joining us.
DOT’s Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets map. Courtesy of U.S. DOT
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