Vicente Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Project

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Project Timeline
Winter- Spring 2017
Engineering and Environmental
Spring 2017
Public Outreach; Legislation
Spring-Summer 2017
Detailed Design
Summer- Fall 2017
프로젝트 상태 (Project Status)
  1. Completed
개선 (Improvements)
Pedestrian Improvements
Bicycle Improvements
근린 (Neighborhoods)
Vicente St, Great Highway, 19th Ave
프로젝트 상세사항, 이력 또는 특징 (Project Details, History or Features)

The SFMTA has completed a project to increase bicycle and pedestrian safety on Vicente Street from 17th Ave. to the Lower Great Highway.

The SFMTA's safety improvements [pdf] included the following:

Bike Lanes

  • Nearly every block on this stretch of Vicente had striped bike lanes in both directions installed, similar to those on Ortega and Cabrillo streets, to make it more comfortable to bike on.

“Daylighting” at Street Corners

  • Certain street corners in front of schools on Vicente received “daylighting” - the removal of parking spaces at corners to make it easier for everyone on the street to see each other at intersections, especially in the crosswalk.

Re-Aligned Parking Spaces

  • In response to a petition from neighbors, parallel parking spaces were converted to perpendicular spaces on the south side of Vicente, between 44th and 46th avenues. This led to a net addition of five parking spaces.
  • Existing “front-in” angled parking spaces were converted to “back-in” angled spaces on the south side of Vicente, between 39th and 40th avenues. Back-in angled parking makes it easier for drivers to see other traffic as they leave parking spaces.
연락처 (Contact Information)
Jonathan Chimento