Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project

Folsom Streetscape


Howard Streetscape

  • The project is currently in the detailed design phase and just reached a 95% design milestone in October 2024. Community engagement is happening to share an update on public realm enhancements and get input on loading needs

  • Thank you for joining us at our open house this past Saturday, November 16, 2024. Please check out the Open House Materials and fill out our survey, available through December 13, 2024.

Howard Survey English

Howard Survey 中文

Howard Survey Español

Howard Survey Tagalog


프로젝트 소개 (Project Introduction)

Both Folsom and Howard streets are major three to four-lane arterials, where Folsom Street serves eastbound traffic and Howard Street serves westbound traffic. These couplets were designed for trucks and  cars serving the manufacturing and warehousing industry, which was the dominant use in the post-World War II era.

Over the past two decades, the area has experienced explosive growth in housing and employment, evolving from a manufacturing hub to an employment, entertainment, and residential center with new and larger developments. This growth coupled with a large population of disadvantaged communities has increased alternative transportation usage. Walkways and bikeways are currently inadequate because the existing roadway is still designed to support and prioritize high vehicle volumes and has not changed with the neighborhood.

Folsom and Howard streets are part of San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network, where 13 percent of San Francisco's streets endure 75 percent of the total severe and fatal traffic collisions. In 2018, two people were killed on Folsom and Howard. The Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project will improve safety on these corridors and help the City meet its Vision Zero goal of eliminating traffic fatalities. 

The Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project will make the South of Market Neighborhood (SoMa) a safer and more inviting place to walk, bike, shop, and take transit.

The Project completed the planning phase and conducted in-depth public outreach; the project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in Spring 2019. Several near-term safety upgrades were completed on both corridors over the last three years. Community outreach will continue as Folsom Streetscape Project proceeds to the construction phase and the Howard Streetscape Project proceeds to detailed design.   

프로젝트 상태 (Project Status)
  1. Current
개선 (Improvements)
Raised crosswalk at alleys, pedestrian lighting improvements, and bulbouts.
New transit boarding islands and traffic signal upgrades.
Public realm improvements, landscaping improvements, roadway base repair and resurfacing, and utility and drainage improvements.
Two-way bikeways

Community Engagement

Folsom-Howard Community Engagement

  • 1,300 questionnaire Reponses
  • Meetings with 20 community groups
  • 550 people attended open houses
  • Knocked on 165 businesses’ doors
  • 110 meetings with local businesses
  • 150 business loading surveys completed
  • 27,000 open house notification postcards delivered
  • Distributed 600 open house notification posters
  • 100s of hours of staff outreach

The SFMTA has worked in close collaboration with neighbors, local businesses, community groups and users of the Folsom and Howard Street corridors since initiation of the project. 

In Winter 2016, the SFMTA held two open houses and conducted an online survey to take feedback on their values and priorities. In April 2017, two open houses were held to show possible alternatives to the public and request feedback. In January 2019, the SFMTA presented the final proposed long-term designs of the corridor at two open houses.

By working closely with the community to align project goals, the SFMTA was able to secure legislative approval of the project in Spring 2019. We will continue to engage the community in coordination with our partners at Public Works to finalize the public realm elements of the project and to inform users and residents of construction updates. 

Project Timeline

Folsom-Howard Planning Phase/Quick-Build Projects/Legislation

  • Predevelopment: Fall 2015 to Fall 2016
  • Community Values Open Houses: December 2016
  • Community Outreach and Planning: Winter 2016 to Summer 2019
  • Folsom Near-Term Open Houses: July 2017
  • Folsom Near-Term Public Hearing: Fall 2017
  • Folsom Near-Term Legislation: Fall 2017
  • Folsom Near-Term Changes Installed: Winter 2018
  • Howard Near-Term Open Houses: July 2018
  • Howard Near-Term Legislation: October 2018
  • Howard Near-Term Changes Installed: Winter 2019
  • Proposed Alternative for Long-Term Changes Open Houses January 2018
  • Long-Term Legislation: Spring/Summer 2019

Folsom Streetscape Project - Detailed Design/Construction

  • Detailed Design: 2019 to 2022
  • Issue Contract and Notice to Proceed: 2023
  • Construction: 2024 to 2026

Howard Streetscape Project - Detailed Design/Construction

  • Detailed Design: 2024
  • Issue Contract and Notice to Proceed: 2026
  • Construction: 2026 to 2029
Project video(s)
Folsom Streetscape Project - Construction Coming Soon!
Folsom Streetscape Project Design Update - Virtual Open House
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