Upper Haight Transit Improvement & Pedestrian Realm Project

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プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

The project is a partnership between the SFMTA and the SF Public Works to make improvements to the Upper Haight that will enhance the safety and experience of the neighborhood’s character with transportation and street design changes.  The project spans half a mile on Haight Street from Stanyan to Central Ave and includes Muni Forward transit and pedestrain safety improvements, sewer replacement and upgrades, streetscape enhancements, pedestrian scale lighting, tree planting, curb ramps and bulb-outs, bus bulbs, traffic signal installation/replacement, and repaving of Haight Street from Stanyan Street to Central Avenue.  The scope of the work also includes sewer work on Masonic Avenue between Haight and Waller streets.  

The Upper Haight Transit and Pedestrian Realm Project is moving forward faster than expected, in part because of lower traffic volumes associated with Covid-19. The “major” construction is anticipated to be complete as early as the end of the calendar year or early next year if the current construction pace continues. The “lesser” impact type work that will continue into Spring 2021 will include “final-connecting” various items including streetlights and traffic signals, removing old poles, and other work.

Our bus stop relocation and power to the signal lights are delayed.  However, on November 18, 2020 at Haight & Broderick we were able to switch on the new traffic signal as well as move a bus stop from farside to nearside at Haight & Baker.  

To complete this work in its entirety, we’re still working with PUC and PG&E to obtain a timeline for power to the remaining traffic and signal lights which is now estimated to be complete in summer 2021. 

  • Broke ground in September 2018, this civic improvement project will bring the Upper Haight (Haight between Stanyan and Central):
  • Sidewalk extensions that provide more sidewalk space, improve safety and shorten crossing distances for people walking; at transit stops provide more space for waiting and speed up boarding; improve visibility for people driving

  • Improved lighting including new pedestrian scale sidewalk lighting

  • New traffic signals

  • Signage for people navigating points of interest, transit and parking

  • Planters that both capture and provide infiltration for storm water runoff, new sidewalk trees and landscaping

  • Informal seating options that provide a place to rest for transit or just take in the sights.

For project updates: 


Project Manager:  Paul Barradas, SF Publc Works, 415.554.8249

Public Affairs:  Alex Murillo, SF Public Works,  415.558.5296 or alex.m.murillo@sfdpw.org



Project Timeline
プロジェクトの現状 (Project Status)
  1. Current
近辺 (Neighborhoods)


This project is 90% complete. 

Construction Work Month of February 2021:  

  • The contractor continued work at sub-sidewalk basement locations on Haight Street. This type of isolated sidewalk work is expected to continue for the next few weeks. 
  • The landscape contractor will continue planting new trees on Haight Street.

Traffic/pedestrian signal upgrades schedule at 10 intersections along Haight:

  • Buchanan* Jan 2021 completed
  • Webster* Jan 2021 completed
  • Pierce* Jan 2021 completed
  • Scott*  Jan 2021 completed
  • Broderick* Nov 2020 completed
  • Baker* Nov 2020 completed
  • Central (Estimated May 2021)
  • Clayton (Estimated May 2021)
  • Shrader (Estimated May 2021)
  • Stanyan (Estimated May 2021)

Bus stop relocations schedule:

  • Haight & Clayton IB & OB (Estimated May 2021)
  • Haight & Pierce IB* Jan 2021 completed
  • Haight & Pierce IB bus stop relocation nearside to farside* Feb 20, 2021 completed
  • Haight & Buchanan OB* Jan 2021 bus zone moved nearside to far side completed

During Construction

  • Street parking may be impacted while construction occurs on a block. In some cases, depending on the phase of work, street parking may not be possible on part of the adjacent block as we taper traffic lanes in order to accommodate the necessary work zone. Crews also may detour traffic to allow for a safe work zone. We kindly ask that motorists please plan ahead and allow more travel time during construction hours.
  • Please see the posted "no parking" barricade signs for exact work hours, days, and locations. Parking restrictions may vary per block depending on the scope of work.
  • Bus stops along Haight Street may be temporarily relocated while work occurs on the block. Please see signage at existing bus stop for details on any temporary bus stop relocation.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we make these critical improvements along Haight Street.

For detailed information, visit: https://www.sfpublicworks.org/upper-haight

Public Information Officer, Alex Murrillo at 415-558-5296 or via email at: Alex.M.Murillo@sfdpw.org

Public Information Officer, Lolita Sweet, at Lolita.Sweet@sfmta.com


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