San Bruno Ave Multimodal Improvement Project

プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

The San Bruno Multimodal Improvement Project was developed at the Portola community’s request and in support of Muni Forward and Vision Zero. More than 50,000 daily riders rely on the lines serving San Bruno Avenue: the 8 Bayshore, 8AX Bayshore A Express, 9 San Bruno and 9R San Bruno Rapid to travel to and from Chinatown, Downtown, the Mission, Portola and Visitacion Valley. In addition, San Bruno Avenue is on the high-injury network, the 13% of streets accounting for 75% of the City’s severe and fatal traffic injuries.

The purpose of the project is to: 
1) Improve safety along San Bruno Avenue for people walking and bicycling; 
2) Improve reliability and travel time for 8/8AX Bayshore and 9/9R San Bruno riders; 
3) Improve parking availability and congestion by reducing double parking. 

Passengers getting on the 8AX Bayshore A Express at the new sidewalk extension on inbound San Bruno Ave at Silver.
Passengers getting on the 8AX Bayshore A Express at the new sidewalk extension on inbound San Bruno Ave at Silver.

The project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in fall 2016 after extensive community outreach in 2015, beginning with open houses co-hosted with community organizations. View project details (updated December 2019 with parking numbers) for intersections on San Bruno Ave between Arleta Boulevard and Silver Avenue. The first phase of construction work was completed in August 2017, which included bus zone extensions to accommodate longer 9R San Bruno Rapid and 8/8AX Bayshore buses and parking management improvements to improve parking availability. The project is now approaching the completion of the full construction phase, which began in early 2019 with our partner agency San Francisco Public Works. New sidewalk extensions for transit and pedestrian bulbs are now fully constructed.

We have heard extensive community feedback in the last two months about parking removal. In response, the SFMTA will immediately restore 8 parking spaces at the intersections of Bacon and Felton and will not be implementing the removal of 4 other parking spaces for longer bus zones and daylighting. With these changes, the project will have removed a net total of 37 out of 195 parking spaces on San Bruno between Silver and Mansell (about 20% of spaces), compared to 45 spaces in the original plan. The bus stop relocation at Felton is currently on hold while we continue engagement with the community. No additional parking will be removed, except where it is being replaced in full at the same intersection. Read the parking summary here

Although the project is nearly complete, we are also exploring further options to improve parking availability such as metering additional parking spaces and adjusting color curb functions to better facilitate merchant loading activity on San Bruno. Neighborhood outreach will begin soon for these changes, which will be implemented in Spring 2020 pending approval by the SFMTA Board of Directors.

For More Information
Lolita Sweet, Public Outreach Officer, Communications
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
415.749.2460 |

中文版 - 粵語口譯: 
Jean Long, Transportation Planner, Transit
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
415.646.2391 |

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Vision Zero SF logo
プロジェクトの現状 (Project Status)
  1. Implementation / Construction
改善点 (Improvements)

Diagram of proposed changes.


プロジェクトの詳細、沿革または特徴 (Project Details, History or Features)

Completed Transit Reliability and Pedestrian Safety Improvements

The San Bruno Multimodal Improvement Project incorporates elements from several ongoing strategic planning initiatives including Muni Forward and Vision Zero. Below is a summary of completed improvements in support of citywide policies:

Traffic Signal Upgrades on San Bruno Avenue:

  1. The new traffic signal at Felton St was activated in early November to help manage traffic and pedestrian activity at this busy intersection, which was previously controlled by stop signs. The existing outbound 8, 8AX and 9 bus stop will move across the street from Walgreens to O’Reilly Auto Parts. By relocating the bus zone across the intersection, buses can initiate transit signal priority for a green light extension that will allow the bus to continue through the intersection, minimizing delay.
    • December 2019 Update: The relocation of the outbound Felton bus stop is currently on hold. In response to merchant feedback, the project will restore 3 spaces, shortening the zone. The tradeoff is that the shortened bus zone will not accommodate two buses arriving at the same time. 5 metered spaces will be removed for the new bus zone and 5 metered spaces will be added to the former bus zone next to Walgreens for neutral parking impact.
  2. Rapid Flashing Beacons at Burrows St and Wayland St.: To improve pedestrian visibility on San Bruno Ave, the new rapid flashing beacons flash when pedestrians activate the push button prior to crossing the street.

 Transit Bulbs and Pedestrian Bulbouts (Sidewalk Extensions) on San Bruno Avenue:

  1. Five new transit bulbs were installed on Silver (inbound), Thornton (inbound), Bacon (inbound), Bacon (outbound), and Mansell (outbound). The total parking impact for the transit bulbs and bus zone extensions is the removal of 18 parking spaces between Mansell and Silver. The extended bus stops accommodate 60’ buses of the 8, 8AX, and 9R lines. The benefits of transit bulbs include:
    • Eliminates need for buses to exit and re-enter the travel lane, saving travel time and making the bus ride smoother for paseengers
    • Easier and safer boarding for seniors and persons with disabilities
    • More space for waiting passengers, transit shelters, landscaping and other amenities
      Two new shelters with more seating NextMuni at new inbound transit bulb on San Bruno Ave at Silver.
      Two new shelters with more seating and NextMuni at new inbound transit bulb on San Bruno Ave at Bacon. 
  2. Six new pedestrian bulbs were completed on Woolsey (northwest, southwest, and southeast corners), Wayland (northwest and southwest corners), and Burrows (southwest corner). These locations were prioritized based on vehicle-pedestrian collision history. Between 2014 and 2018, 48 collisions on San Bruno Ave between Arleta and Silver involved a pedestrian. The total parking impact of the pedestrian bulbouts is the removal of 6 parking spaces between Mansell and Silver. Sidewalk extensions were also built at the Brussels Street Stairs to shorten the crossing distance on San Bruno Ave. The benefits of pedestrian bulbouts include:  
    • Increased the visibility of pedestrians waiting to cross the street and shortens crossing distances
    • Slowed down turning vehicles
    • Added accessible curb ramps

Turn Pockets for Traffic Flow on San Bruno Avenue:

  1. Since the San Bruno Avenue commercial corridor is one traffic lane in each direction with parking on both sides of the street, it can be challenging when double parking or parallel parking occur as it blocks travel lanes. Turn pockets can help move traffic by dedicating space to turning vehicles and allowing through travel lanes to remain open. By evaluating collision data, traffic movements, and transit operations, the original plan for the turn pockets were approved for the following locations:
    •  Silver Ave (removes 5 metered parking spaces for widened travel lane to make it easier for 9R to turn right and provides space for right turning vehicles)
    • Silliman St (removes 2 parking spaces for waiting vehicles to queue up in the right turn pocket into San Bruno Ave Supermarket parking lot)
    • Bacon St, northwest corner (removes 5 parking spaces for right turn pocket)
    • Bacon Street, southeast corner (removes 4 parking spaces for right turn pocket)
  2. December 2019 Update: In response to merchant feedback, 3 parking spaces will be restored at Bacon, 2 spaces in the northwest corner and 1 space in the southeast corner. 6 spaces instead of 9 will be removed for the turn pockets. 1 additional space will also be added by converting a long parking space immediately north of the inbound Bacon transit bulb into 2 spaces. These changes are the first priority in the list of new proposed changes.

Other Improvements on San Bruno Avenue:

  1. Bike Lanes between Mansell and Dwight (future date to be determined)
  2. Daylighting at Silliman to improve pedestrian visibility at crosswalks and at Dwight to provide more space for 29 Sunset left turn from Paul to San Bruno Avenue
  3. Metered parking expansion on San Bruno Ave between Wayland and Woolsey
  4. Upgrades to high visibility crosswalks
  5. Modifications to yellow commercial loading zones
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連絡先 (Contact Information)
Lolita Sweet, Public Information Officer, SFMTA Communications