プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)
San Francisco’s Eastern Neighborhoods are made up of the diverse communities of the Mission District, South of Market, Central Waterfront, Showplace Square, and Potrero Hill. These neighborhoods, along with the San Francisco Planning Department, worked together to complete the Eastern Neighborhoods Community Plan. The plan, adopted in 2009, outlines opportunities for increased housing and new development throughout the eastern third of San Francisco. The plan also includes a vision for changes in the transportation network to support proposed land use changes.
This Eastern Neighborhoods Transportation Implementation Planning Study (EN TRIPS) begins to implement the transportation vision established in the Eastern Neighborhoods area plans. It addresses impacts of growth and change in the Eastern Neighborhoods by identifying, designing, and seeking funding for key transportation infrastructure projects. The study included the following steps, which were all completed with extensive public involvement:
- Perform technical analysis to determine existing and future circulation needs based on land use growth and change.
- Select a number of key corridors which are candidates for short term improvement and which are not already being considered in other studies.
- Evaluate a number of potential concepts for each corridor and determine the overall effect on circulation caused by changes on individual corridors.
- Create conceptual designs for the most promising alternatives, and evaluate the opportunities and constraints resulting from changing the circulation system.
- Develop funding and implementation strategies for the proposed projects.
The project sought to identify and prioritize transportation needs in the major transportation networks in the Eastern Neighborhoods, and then advanced the highest priority transportation projects that were unlikely to be met through other efforts. Following adoption of this plan, the proposed projects will be moved forward into environmental review and detailed design. EN TRIPS was guided by the transportation objectives established through the Eastern Neighborhoods Area plans. These objectives have a strong multi-modal focus, recognizing the need to efficiently move people and goods through a variety of modes of transportation.
プロジェクトの現状 (Project Status)
- Planning
- Current