20th Street Slow Street

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プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

The 20th Street Slow Street provides an east-west connection through the Mission neighborhood, connecting the Shotwell Slow Street and Potrero Avenue bike facilities. 20th Street was designated as a COVID-19 Response Slow Street in June 2020. 20th Street was not initially included in the permanent Slow Streets Program because of conflicts with commercial land uses and heavier vehicle traffic volumes west of Shotwell Street. After hearing from many community members and stakeholders who wanted to keep 20th as a Slow Street for its traffic calming, bikeway network, and community space benefits, shortened extents were proposed in order to eliminate the biggest conflicts with commercial land uses and heavier traffic volumes west of Shotwell, while maintaining the connection between the existing bikeways on Shotwell Street and Potrero Avenue. 20th Street was re-authorized as part of the permanent Slow Streets Program at the March 21, 2023 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board meeting. 

    Learn more about the Slow Streets Program

    20th Slow Street Evaluation

    The SFMTA Project team collects data to assess how each Slow Street is performing against the Slow Streets Program targets: 

    • Vehicle speeds at or below 15 mph
    • Vehicle volumes less than 1,000 per day

    See the latest evaluation in the “Related Reports & Documents” section on the right side of this webpage. For additional information on how this street compares to others in the Slow Streets program, or for overall program findings, please see the 2023 Evaluation Report.

    20th Slow Street Design

    The original street design was approved by the SFMTA Board on March 21, 2023. The design for 20th Street approved by the SFMTA Board maintains the existing Slow Streets delineators at Harrison, Bryant and Hampshire Streets, and adds new continental crosswalks at Alabama, Florida, York, and Hampshire streets as well as Slow Streets pavement markings and wayfinding signs.


    Questions or feedback? Email SlowStreets@SFMTA.com and include "20th Street" in the subject line. To receive Project updates, please sign up via the link on the righthand side of this page.


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