Cayuga Avenue Slow Street

プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

The Cayuga Avenue Slow Street extends 1.7 miles through the Cayuga Terrace, Excelsior, and Mission Terrace Neighborhoods, from Rousseau Street to Naglee Avenue. It’s home to many families and functions as an important community connection to Cayuga Playground and Balboa High School. Cayuga Avenue was identified as a bicycle route and candidate for traffic calming in the 2019 Excelsior Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project. Cayuga Avenue was approved for inclusion in the Slow Streets Program by the SFMTA Board on December 6, 2022.  

Learn more about the Slow Streets Program

Cayuga Avenue Slow Street Evaluation 

The SFMTA Project team collects data to assess how each Slow Street is performing against the Slow Streets Program targets: 

  • Vehicle speeds at or below 15 mph  
  • Vehicle volumes less than 1,000 per day  

See the latest evaluation in the “Related Reports & Documents” section on the right side of this webpage. For additional information on how this street compares to others in the Slow Streets program, or for overall program findings, please see the 2023 Evaluation Report

近辺 (Neighborhoods)


Plans to make active transportation improvements to Cayuga Avenue date back to 2019. Through the 2019 Excelsior Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project, the community identified a need for traffic calming materials such as speed humps on Cayuga Avenue in front of Balboa High school. After the COVID-19 response Slow Streets Program was launched in 2020, Cayuga Avenue was identified as a potential Slow Street. The project team sent mailers to residents within 1,000 feet of the corridor and hosted an online open house to discuss Cayuga’s inclusion in the Slow Streets Program. Community outreach indicated strong support for Cayuga as a Slow Street, however material shortages and logistical challenges prevented implementation during the COVID-19 phase of the program. 

Cayuga Avenue Slow Street Design 

The design for the Cayuga Avenue Slow Street was approved following the March 17, 2023 Public Hearing. The design includes:

  • Slow Streets delineator signs at select intersections

  • Slow Streets pavement markings 

  • Slow Streets identification signs on Cayuga Avenue and select cross streets 

  • A median diverter at Cayuga Avenue and Geneva Avenue 

  • New marked crosswalks    

  • Traffic calming elements, such as speed cushions

View the Design

Questions? Please reach out to the project team at, using the subject line "Cayuga Avenue". To receive updates on the Cayuga Avenue Slow Street, please sign up via the link on the righthand side of this page.  

連絡先 (Contact Information)
Please include "Cayuga Avenue" in the email subject line