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Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting September 26, 2019

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Sep 26
550 16th Street, Room 2103 (2nd floor)



Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2019, 2:30 pm-4:30 pm

UCSF Mission Hall, 550 16th Street, Room 2100


Advisory Committee Seat

Voting Member


Seat 1 (Golden State Warriors)

Michael Rescigno

Yoyo Chan

Seat 2 (UCSF)

Amit Kothari

Clare Shinnerl

Seat 3 (Neighborhood resident)

Bruce Agid

Bruce Kin Huie

Seat 4 (Neighborhood business owner)

Catherine Sharpe

Terezia Nemeth

Seat 5 (Neighborhood resident)

Sarah Davis

Sarah Bertram

, ,

Members of the Public

Michelle Murphy


Gap Inc.

Georgina Arias



Paul Giusti



Josh Karlin- Resnick


SF Giants

Pamela Lewis



Paul Giusti



, ,

City of San Francisco

Kim Walton


Senior Transportation Planner; Staff Liaison

Kristin Michael


Lead Planner, Land Use and Development Transportation Integration

Roberta Boomer


Secretary to the SFMTA Board of Directors

Marc Slutzkin


City of San Francisco, Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure

Kenny Bruce


SF Public Works

Tom Smith


SF Public Works

Samuel Thomas


Financial Analyst


  1. Call to Order/Roll Call – Bruce Agid, Chairperson 

Voting Members in attendance: Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis; Kothari

Excused Absences: N/A

Alternates in attendance:   Chan

Alternates not in attendance: Nemeth; Shinnerl; Huie


  1. Approve minutes of July 25, 2019 meeting


Committee members provided the following changes to the July 25, 2019 minutes:


  1. Add to attendance list: Georgia Arias, UCSF
  2. Correct spelling:  Sarah David to Sarah Davis
  3. Clarify Statement “committee members can speak more than once.”



The motion was made by Catherine Sharpe to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2019 meeting with the above -mentioned corrections/additions and was seconded by Sarah Davis.


Public comments – None



On the motion to approve the June 27, 2019 minutes with changes as previously noted.


AYES –Kothari, Davis, Rescigno, Sharpe



The motion passed


  1. Old Business

a.       Update from SF Public Works

 AC member Michael Rescigno and Bruce Agid met to review a very high -level draft of proposed metrics “score-card.”


The intent of this scorecard is two-fold. First, provide a high- level on-going review of the quality of services provided to support Chase Center Arena Events as well as measure impacts on the neighborhood and second, used to inform the MB TIF budget process for future years; a valuable tool both for the City family and the AC members. We are hoping to identify metrics that are either already available and can be re-purposed for the scorecard or use data/metrics which are required based on commitments/agreements associated with the Chase Center.


The next steps are to review with City Staff who will then gather input from various City Departments/Agencies. There will be a final review of the working group and a first draft will be presented at the August 22nd MB TIF AC meeting.

b.            Metrics Update

c.             Committee Rules


  1.  Chase Center Readiness Coordination
  2. SFMTA Budget Preparation


6.              Public Comment

                  There was no public comment


7.              Advisory Committee Member comments and Future Agenda Items

Catherine Sharpe made a motion that at the August 22 meeting, to continue the discussion on the Transportation Update begun by Michael Rescigno, to have the Warriors head of Safety present, along with members of the SF Police Department.


Public Comment – None

Advisory Committee Discussion – none


On the Motion:

Ayes Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis

Nays – None


The Motion was passed


8.            Adjourn


Sarah David made the motion to adjourn the July 25, 2019 meeting and was seconded by Catherine Sharpe.


On the Motion:

Ayes Rescigno; Sharpe; Kothari; Davis

Nays – None



Meeting adjourned at 5:05 pm