Page Slow Street

Welcome to the Summer of Slow Page! 

The Page Slow Street team at the SFMTA is conducting a wave of outreach we're calling the Summer of Slow Page! This Summer and Fall, project staff are gathering community input on designs for additional upgrades to Page Slow Street to improve safety, comfort, and neighborhood placemaking. In particular, project staff are investigating options for more permanent intersection treatments including concrete islands, as well as revising bikeway and intersection designs at Laguna, Octavia, and Market streets.

Opportunities to provide feedback will be announced here and through email when available.

As always, feel free to directly email us at with any questions, comments, or concerns.

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プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

Page Slow Street extends from Stanyan Street to the west (at the edge of Golden Gate Park) eastward to the Gough and Market street intersections. Page Street is an important corridor for the Haight-Ashbury, Lower Haight, Hayes Valley, and surrounding neighborhoods and is one of the City's most popular slow streets for walking and biking. Page Street is also designated as a Green Connection in San Francisco's General Plan due to its charming character and connectivity to numerous schools, parks, and neighborhood spaces.

Preliminary Slow Street Evaluation

After installing new traffic diverters and slow street signage last year, the SFMTA collected traffic data along Page Street to assess how the corridor is performing, and to inform future potential changes. Preliminary takeaways include: 

  • While most of the corridor meets the Slow Streets Program's speed and volume targets, safety and compliance issues remain on the eastern end near Octavia Boulevard, including drivers travelling the wrong way down the one-way block to access the freeway.
  • Maintaining the current stock of Slow Streets paddles and flex posts at intersections along Page Street has also been difficult. 

What's Next?

The SFMTA's Page Slow Street Project is preparing concept designs for potential new traffic and streetscape upgrades along the corridor. The next round of improvements will investigate upgrading these initial low-cost features with more permanent features, including concrete islands.  

The project team will share and solicit public feedback on its draft evaluation and concept design proposals in Summer & Fall 2024. More details will be coming soon. In the meantime, please check out our new Page Slow Street Status Update for May 2024.


Page Street was included in the COVID-19 Emergency Slow Streets Program and officially added to the Slow Streets Program on January 27th, 2023. Since 2020, the SFMTA has implemented several improvements along the corridor including limitations on through-traffic, slow street signage, and new pedestrian safety measures. The latest round of improvements completed in 2023 included sidewalk extensions, rain gardens, decorative paving, and new traffic diverters at the Stanyan, Masonic, and Divisadero intersections (adding to existing turn requirements at Webster, Laguna and Octavia streets).

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Project Timeline
Summer 2024 - Early 2025
Spring 2025
Design & Early Implementation
プロジェクトの現状 (Project Status)
  1. Planning
  2. Preliminary Engineering
改善点 (Improvements)
To be determined by early planning and outreach efforts.
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Page Street
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連絡先 (Contact Information)
Slow Streets Team