SFpark On Street Occupancy Rate Data
Bay Area Bike Share to Launch August 29, 2013
Agenda 5140 8.23.13.pdf
"The Flying Fulton Pilot Project" Meeting Flyer
PSAC Meeting Agenda August 13 2013.pdf
8.15.2013 SFMTA MAAC Agenda.pdf
8-16-13 Agenda - PAG.pdf
Item 4. Update on Balboa Park Eastside Connection
Item 6. Update on Wayside Platform Feasibility Study
Minutes From This Meeting
Item 3. Minutes, July 19, 2013
Item 6. Strategic Plan, PAG meeting, Aug. 16, 2013
Press Release--SFMTA Encourages Fans to Take Muni to San Francisco 49ers Football Games 08.07.13.pdf
EA FINAL version (8-7-13)_Reduced Size.pdf
OCSC Agenda 08-13-13 Cancellation Notice.pdf
Mission Bay Letter and FONSI
Mission Bay FONSI Final Attachment A
Mission Bay FONSI Draft Attachment B
ISCOTT Agenda 1322.pdf
ISCOTT Minutes 1321, August 8, 2103 Minutes
Strategic Plan Progress Report - August 2013
Strategic Plan Progress Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...
Strategic Plan Metrics Report - August 2013
Strategic Plan Metrics Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...
Press Release--SFMTA Prepares Transit, Traffic and Parking Resources for Potential BART Strike 8.1.13.pdf
SFMTA-511 SF Casual Carpooling Map 8.1.13.pdf
Post Incident Summaries July 2013
Wednesday, July 31 From 9:57 to 10:32 p.m., the southbound T Third Line was blocked at Third Street and Le Conte Avenue by a disabled automobile on the trackway. Southbound T trains switched back at...
Press Release--SFMTA Receiveds Gold Level Sustainablity Recognition from the American Public Transportation Association 07.29.13.pdf
Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee Recommendations Report
The Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee, a stakeholder group comprised mostly of disability rights advocates, worked together for six months to create a package of policy recommendations to...