Divide Feeder Circuit Carl 11

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プロジェクトの紹介 (Project Introduction)

The project is to construct a new traction power electrical circuit and install new switch equipment along Church Street between Market Street and Duboce Avenue, also known as the Duboce Portal. Once completed, the project will enhance safety, improve service reliability, and reduce unscheduled shutdowns of the J Church and N Judah Lines.

Thanks to the community feedback collected during public comment period, the SFMTA has redesigned the project to allow us to underground the surface utility cabinet planned for Church & Duboce intersection.

The new system will prevent the single point of failure from happening and reduce the power outages for the J Church and N Judah Lines travelling through the Duboce Portal. With increases of service recently, the SFMTA has higher electrical demand in order to orperate the Muni Metro system safely and effeciately. 

The new traction power electrical circuit will improve the service reliability of the Muni Metro by minimizing single points of failure, which only occur when an electrical substation provides the only source of electrical traction power. Without a secondary power source, the traction power system is susceptible to single points of failure.

The new circuit will create the necessary redundancy in the system by enabling multiple different electrical substations to power the Duboce Portal, therefore reducing the risk of a single point failure. Under this contract, the contractor will also construct new underground conduits, and install electrical wires and new switch equipment at the Church electrical substation. The electrical circuit and switch equipment will be integrated into the SFMTA Power Controls System improving the service reliability of the Muni Metro

As of September 2018, the detail design has been completed and the contract was awarded. The construction is set to begin in late October. Although most of the work will take place behind the scene and is hardly visible, the installation of the new switch does require digging a trench on the western sidewalk of Church between Market Street and Reservoir Street (about mid-block). Here is what to expect during the trench excavation:

Work scheduled to begin on November 5 and last for approximately 2 weeks.

  • Work hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.

  • The sidewalk will remain open with a path of travel provided at all times. 

  • Access to local businesses and residence will be always available.

  • Trench excavation will take place section by section and will stay in front of a property one or two days.

  • The trench will be covered up at the end of each work day.

  • The trench will be securely barricaded during work.

  • SFMTA ambassadors will be on hand to assist pedestrians during work hours.

After trenching operation, there will be minimal impactful work to the local merchants and residents.


Project Timeline
Nov. 2016 - Sept. 2017
Oct. 2017 - Jul. 2018
Detail Design
Oct. 2018 - May 2019
近辺 (Neighborhoods)



連絡先 (Contact Information)
Robert Mau, Project Manager
Jay Lu, Public Relations Officer