Taxi Safety Tips

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Important tips to ensure a safe taxi ride

Always Hire a Real San Francisco Taxi

All San Francisco taxicabs have specific identification. Do not hire a taxicab that does not present the following identification:

You will see "SAN FRANCISCO TAXICAB" written on the side and rear of all legal taxis.

From the rear seat you will be able to see the driver's ID and also a small metal 'license plate' or medallion on the dashboard.

Why it is important to choose a permitted, legal taxicab:

  • Safe vehicles: All vehicles undergo safety and meter inspections. These inspections ensure that your vehicle is road safe and that the meter is calibrated to the correct fare.
  • Trustworthy drivers: All San Francisco taxi drivers are required to take extensive training, including street navigation, and are subject to background checks.
  • Insured operators: When you hire a San Francisco taxi, you have proper legal recourse should the need arise.
  • Your support: San Francisco taxi drivers have invested a lot of time and money for the right to operate a taxicab. Illegal operators undermine that livelihood and their stellar reputation.

Limousines can only legally accept prearranged rides. Do not hire any limousine from a taxi stand or one that stops on the street for you.

If you spot an illegal taxi, please do not take matters into your own hands. For complaints, call the San Francisco 3-1-1 Customer Service Center.