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‘Welcome to West Portal’ murals to be installed soon and other updates

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With the start of the 2025, we wanted to update you on implementation of the remaining elements of the West Portal Station Safety and Community Improvements Project.

West Portal Station Enhancements Begin Soon with Wayfinding Mural Installation

We will soon kick off the project’s efforts to beautify West Portal Station with the painting of wayfinding murals on the West Portal Station walls. Designed by the SF Public Works’ Landscape Architecture team, the design highlights the historic Twin Peaks tunnel’s western portal design that the West Portal neighborhood is named after. The mural will also help Muni Metro riders easily distinguish the eastbound and westbound station platforms.

A diagram of a planned wall mural at West Portal Station. 'West Portal' is painted in blue letters above maroon, pink and yellow arches in the style of a tunnel.

Example of wayfinding mural to be installed at West Portal Station

While you may notice the work underway, we expect no impact to people walking, driving or riding transit during installation.

We will keep you posted on the installation of other elements of the planned West Portal horseshoe upgrades as they are available which include:

  • Installation of decorative crosswalks at the intersections of Ulloa Street and West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street and Lenox Way. This work will be installed late at night to minimize disruptions.
  • Installation of a street mural, planters and bikeshare station. In addition to beautifying the area, these elements are designed to discourage people from walking across the rail tracks outside of designated crossing locations.  

Remaining safety upgrades: Ulloa and Wawona streets crossing beacons and Ulloa Street/Claremont Boulevard and Vicente Street/Portola Drive/Santa Clara Avenue intersection safety  

We are on track to begin implementation of a new flashing beacon on the east crosswalk of Ulloa Street at Wawona Street early this year. The beacon will increase the visibility of people crossing Ulloa Street here. We are continuing to work on a potential design for the west crosswalk of Ulloa and Wawona streets. This location will take more time because existing trees prevent the ability to make use of the typical solar power panel to power this location.

We also are continuing to work on the design for safety upgrades to calm right turns at the following two intersections.

  • Ulloa Street and Claremont Boulevard
  • Vicente Street and Portola Drive and Santa Clara Avenue

Minor change to parking spaces on east side of Lenox Way at Ulloa Street

Following an October Public Hearing and subsequent SFMTA Board of Directors’ approval, we will implement minor changes to the first few spaces of parking on the east side of Lenox Way at Ulloa Street. These spaces, which currently function as a passenger loading zone Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. will be expanded to also include Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. In addition, these spaces will become nighttime parking for authorized Muni vehicles from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. These new parking and loading restrictions will be in effect following their implementation.

Next steps: project evaluation

We will perform an evaluation of all project changes this year with a goal to assess how well we are meeting the project’s goals. The evaluation will include collecting data on traffic volumes and speeds, driver compliance with vehicle restrictions, perceptions of safety, and frequency of customer visits to West Portal businesses, among other metrics. We have already collected data to reflect conditions prior to the project’s implementation and will collect more data to reflect conditions after implementation later this year. When draft evaluation results are available, we will share them with interested community members, and can consider whether any additional adjustments are warranted.