Beach Street Quick-Build Approved by SFMTA Board

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The Beach Street Quick-Build Project was approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors on December 17, 2024!

Thank you to everyone who submitted comments via email and/or attended the hearing. The project will install a two-way separated bikeway, pedestrian safety treatments and parking and loading changes on Beach Street from Van Ness Avenue to The Embarcadero. The approved design can be viewed here

Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 2025 and will take approximately one to two months. The project team will be closely evaluating impacts of the upcoming roadway design changes. An additional update will be sent ahead of the start of construction.

For more information about the project, please sign up for updates on our project website, or reach out to Thank you for your continued interest and involvement in this project!


Construction Continues for Pedestrian Treatments on Beach Street between Jones Street and The Embarcadero

Construction crews will continue being out on Beach Street to install light-touch pedestrian safety treatments on Beach Street between Jones Street and The Embarcadero. These improvements include upgraded crosswalks, advance limit lines and daylighting. There will be no parking and loading changes as part of this phase of construction.

Construction for the rest of the project is anticipated for Spring 2025.