Remote Taxi Lot Relocation

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TO: San Francisco Taxi Drivers

On the morning of Thursday, October 31, 2024, the remote taxi lot north of the airport will move 200 feet east to a new location. The driving route to and from the hold lot will not change- the entrance is on the same road as before. The existing signage will be moved to the new entrance.

The new lot is about the same size as the old one and will have portable restrooms. The portable restrooms may not be moved until later in the day on Thursday; until the restrooms are moved, a gap in the fence will allow drivers to walk into the old lot and use the restrooms. The new lot will also contain a covered shelter area, the same shelter that some taxi drivers have already been using by walking over from the current lot. Please remember to keep the lot, including the shelter, free of personal belongings and trash.

There is no change in policy. Please remember that you are only permitted to be in the lot for a maximum of sixty (60) minutes, and if you have not been called into the Airport to pick up, you cannot wait in any other airport lots nor can you idle in nearby neighborhoods where you do not have other business. If you are not near the top of the VQ waitlist, please head into the City to take fares or proceed to an appropriate rest location.
Please contact the curbside management office at 650-821-2700 with any questions.

Seth Morgan
Senior Transportation Planner
SFO Landside Operations

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