3rd Street Quick-Build Project

Thank you for your continued interest and participation in the 3rd Street Quick-Build project.  The project was approved by the SFMTA Board on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, and completed implementation by Friday March 29, 2024.

Read about the completion and ribbon cutting ceremony in the Vision Zero Quick-Build Monthly Newsletter: March 2024 Vision Zero Quick-Build Updates


Présentation du projet (Project Introduction)

The 3rd Street Quick-Build Project includes the 3rd Street corridor from the San Francisco Bay Trail to Townsend Street. 3rd Street is a north-south street with two-way and one-way northbound traffic. This street connects travelers to and from the Mission Bay and South of Market neighborhoods, The Embarcadero/King Street corridor, the San Francisco Bay Trail, and the Oracle Park stadium.

The project is committed to delivering transportation safety and comfort on the project corridor for all users, as well as improve bike network connectivity and assess the feasibility of protected bikeways. The project will analyze collision patterns on the corridor and propose designs that address safety issues.

The scope of this project encompasses various measures, including upgrading existing bike facilities, curb management changes, and pedestrian safety improvements. The design and construction of these quick-build treatments would be delivered completely by SFMTA and City staff.

Project Timeline
Fall 2023
Design and Outreach
Winter 2023 / 2024
Project Aprovals
March 2024
Statut du Projet (Project Status)
  1. Completed
Project Success
On schedule
Améliorations Prévues (Improvements)
Pedestrian safety improvements
Protected bikeway
SFMTA Drive and Parking icon
Parking and loading changes
Quartiers (Neighborhoods)
Townsend Street, 3rd Street

Project Justification 

3rd Street is on the City’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network. This project also aims to improve bike network connectivity and upgrade existing bike facilities.

Vision Zero High Injury Network: 2022


What is a Quick-Build Project?

Quick-build projects are adjustable and reversible traffic safety improvements that can be installed relatively quickly with lower cost materials. Unlike major capital projects that may take years to plan, design, bid and construct, quick-build projects are buildable within months and are intended to be evaluated and reviewed shortly upon construction.  

Typical quick-build improvements can include:  

  • Road diet (i.e., travel lane removal)
  • Paint, delineators, and signs
  • Parking and loading adjustments  
  • Traffic signal retiming


Project Outreach

The project team is currently working on Community Outreach, reaching out and setting meetings with stakeholders along the project route. In person door-to-door outreach to businesses and residents will begin the last two weeks of  October 2023. Outreach will include a survey on loading and parking needs focused on properties or businesses along the project route.

Questions and comments may be sent to the project team email :



Project Evaluation

SFMTA quick-build projects are evaluated through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program will analyze the project before and after implementation to review outcomes and determine design effectiveness. Evaluations may inform future modifications to this street.


Project video(s)
Curb Efficiency: How Many People and Deliveries Can a Section of the Curb Move
San Francisco County Transportation Authority logo
San Francisco Public Works logo
Vision Zero SF logo
Coordonnées pour nous contacter (Contact Information)