Transit U Improvement Project
Présentation du projet (Project Introduction)
The Transit U encompasses the blocks of 1st and Fremont streets between Mission and Market streets and the intersecting block of Mission Street, which together form a "U" shape that connects Market Street to the Salesforce Transit Center. This project will enhance the streetscape to support high pedestrian and transit volumes in one of the densest parts of San Francisco.
The project proposes:
- Wider sidewalks along 1st and Fremont streets between Market and Mission streets and the north side of Mission Street between 1st and Fremont streets
- Corner bulbouts at the intersections of 1st/Market, 1st/Mission, Fremont/Market and Fremont/Mission streets.
- An enlarged transit boarding island on Fremont Street approaching Market Street
- Reconfigured travel lanes, commercial and passenger loading zones along 1st and Fremont streets between Market and Mission streets
Project Timeline
Statut du Projet (Project Status)
- Implementation / Construction
Bus Routes and Rail Lines
Quartiers (Neighborhoods)
1st Street, Fremont Street, Mission Street
Détails, Histoire ou Aspects du Projet (Project Details, History or Features)
The Transit U is one of several streetscape projects born from the Transit Center District Plan approved in 2012. Additional outreach, planning, and conceptual design work was completed as part of the South Downtown Design + Activation Plan (Soda) from 2017 to 2019.
Coordonnées pour nous contacter (Contact Information)