Happy New Year!
With 2020 behind us, we want to take a moment to look back at everything we’ve accomplished over the last year on the Geary Rapid Project.
Completed 30 of 46 "bulb-outs"—curb extensions that improve safety and transit performance along the corridor. Twenty-two new pedestrian bulb-outs are making crossing distances shorter for people walking and encourage vehicles making turns to slow down. Eight new bus bulb-outs give people more space to wait at stops and allow buses to pull up directly to the curb without leaving the transit lane.
Removed the Steiner Street pedestrian bridge and began installing improved crosswalks with new refuge islands that provide space to wait in the median if needed.
Completed all 1.5 miles of sewer and 1.8 miles of water upgrades west of Van Ness Avenue, making them more resistant to earthquakes and climate change. Some of the sewer system replaced on Geary was over 100 years old!
Installed 1.1 miles of water mains east of Van Ness Avenue, with only some water connections to properties remaining.
Next up, we’ll be finishing new crosswalks, making traffic signal upgrades and installing the remaining bulb-outs. Final roadway paving, new traffic striping and red transit lane treatments are the last major steps.
We know what a burden construction can be to residents and businesses. The end is in sight now with the project expected to be completed on-schedule this summer. So thank you for your patience as we move towards the finish line, and cheers to a better Geary!
From the Geary Rapid Project team, we wish everyone a safe and healthy 2021.