Slow Streets - Inner Sunset

Présentation du projet (Project Introduction)
Slow Streets Phase 4 Update (03/16/2020): The Slow Streets team will be presenting the Phase 4 corridors for approval at the April 6, 2021, SFMTA Board of Directors meeting. We welcome members of the public to attend the meeting and provide public comment to the SFMTA Board. You can access the meeting via this link. The following street in the Inner Sunset will be presented for Slow Streets designation: 
  • 12th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Noriega Street

Slow Streets in the Inner Sunset - Outreach Summary

The goal of the SFMTA’s Slow Streets program is to provide more space for socially distant essential travel and exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the city, nearly thirty corridors have been implemented as a Slow Street. For more information on the Slow Streets program, click here

The program is designed to limit through traffic on certain residential streets and allow them to be used as a shared space for people traveling by foot, scooters, skateboards, and bicycles. On these Slow Streets, signage and barricades have been placed to minimize through vehicle traffic.  

  • Slow Streets are temporary restrictions to through traffic.  
  • Residents can still drive to their homes, receive deliveries, be picked up or dropped off, and more.  
  • These are not full street closures, and city services like trash pickup and street sweeping will remain.  
  • On a Slow Street, the space in the roadway is shared between people on bikes or on foot, and people driving or riding in cars.


Potential Slow Streets in the Inner Sunset 

Inner Sunset Phase 4 Slow Streets

A - 8th Avenue, from Lincoln Way to Ortega Street: Primarily residential north-south street. 

B - 10th Avenue, from Lincoln Way to Ortega Street: Primarily residential north-south street. This corridor is an alternative to 8th Avenue.

C - 12th Avenue, from Lincoln Way to Noriega Street. This corridor is an alternative to 12th Avenue. 

We Want to Hear from You! 

01/04/2021 Update: Please note that both the initial and follow-up surveys have closed. The program team has reviewed the community feedback received and the outreach summary is available in the "Related Reports & Documents" section of this webpage.

We’d Love to Speak with You! 

Plan to join us at one of the virtual/online/call-in events: 

Stay Informed and Involved 

November 10 – December 10, 2020: Engage Inner Sunset residents regarding Slow Streets. 

December 11, 2020: SFMTA to review feedback and determine what corridors could become temporary Slow Streets.  

December 2020 – February 2021: Review Slow Streets corridors with City agency partners (Public Works, Police, and Fire Departments) and other roadway users. 

April 6, 2021: Phase 4 Slow Streets review/approval at MTA Board of Directors meeting.  

Spring 2021: Install temporary traffic restrictions for Phase 4 Slow Streets.  

For questions about Slow Streets, review our Frequently Asked Questions or email  


This program was made possible in part by Proposition K Sales Tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority. 

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